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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Question

Okey, so you know in The last season, Buffy has all of her friends turn their backs on her after all the years she's wasted fighting for them- how did you feel about that? Sad/angry for her? Mad at them, or did you think she deserved what she got?

 wild-bby posted over a year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Answers

grapecandy said:
Mad? thats an understatement. I was furious. I think that was one of the most frustrating scenes in the whole show. I mean after everthing she has done for them and the world they leave her because of one tiny mistake...great friendship there.
Thats why i love spike so much as he was the only one that stood by her even after the times that buffy treated him like shit. he was still there for her then and all the way through. i don't know if buffy would have made it if it wasen't for spike...

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posted over a year ago 
It's ironic isn't it, that bad boy vampire Spike is the only one who ends up supporting her all the way. He's always been a character who tells it like it is- that's why i like him
wild-bby posted over a year ago
ditto..and he even stood by her without a soul (more than what i can say for angel)
grapecandy posted over a year ago
LovingLucy said:
Angry. I know it was meant to be dramatic, but everyone? Even Xander? That was kind of low.
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posted over a year ago 
Me too, after everything she sacrificed for them they were willing to drop her- I still couldn't believe Xander and Dawn. When Spike was defending her I was silently cheering him on. She was too nice letting them back in, I would have been "later guys!" Shows she's a better person than me
wild-bby posted over a year ago
Xander usually turns on Buffy when things get really hard.
ewb991 posted over a year ago
dollhousegirl24 said:
Although I had been annoyed with Buffy at times, after all that she had done for her friends, they had no reason to desert her like that. So yeah, I was mad.
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posted over a year ago 
BuffyProps said:
I felt outraged,but it also took me out of the show as I realized it was the age old hook they had been using since season one:"Let's doubt the Slayer".
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posted over a year ago 
Totally agree. They've always been on her case, right from the start.
goodbyemra posted over a year ago
rose3dimitri said:
i would be soo upset and hurt that they all wuld gang up on me i was half crying watching that i wuld be also really pissed off getting kicked out of my house
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posted over a year ago 
GemonkDruid said:
Mad, but we did get a good thing out of it: SPUFFY! XD
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posted over a year ago 
Too true. ;]
Bin4ry posted over a year ago
Bin4ry said:
Angry. So very angry.

Let's not even talk about the fact that she was kicked out of her. Own. House. I mean, really, who does that? DDDD:<
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posted over a year ago 
Technically, she should have kicked everyone else out - they then would have changed their minds very fast :D
wild-bby posted over a year ago
gracecatherineX said:
Angry and kind of understanding. Sure I was angry, she had died twice for her friends and she always puts them before herself. The slayer biz is lonley and even with her friends she still felt alone. You would think they would be a bit more considerate and all i could think was imagine how lonley she is now you bunch of jerks. she was right about the weapon and they did need to go retrieve it, but we knew that for certain the scooby gang didn't and after loosing some slayers - esteem was gonna' be running low so i can see why they all felt it was a lost cause she had been wrong once. I was mainly pissed though, i was so glad when spike got back and said it how it was. But no she totally didn't deserve it!
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posted over a year ago 
auroramart said:
Personally i was angry at them ,they never should have turned their backs on her but in the end it turned out that they couldnt survive the fight without her.
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posted over a year ago 
goodbyemra said:
Extremely angry. I thought I was the only one who felt this way but i'm glad i'm not.
I don't get how they could just turn their backs on her after all she did for them over one little mistake that wasn't really her fault anyway. I was literally cheering Spike on when he was having a go at them and defending Buffy.
But to be honest when you watch the whole Buffy series (Season 1 to 7) you notice this isn't really anything new. They are always on Buffy's case and constantly judging her every action and reaction to events. I do love all the charatcers and friendships but to be honest they're kind of crappy friends. They all act as if Buffy forced them into helping her fight evil when Buffy was the only one forced into things.
After that scene I kind of lost my respect for Xander, Willow and Giles and my hatred of the Potentials grew to an alarming rate.
If it wasn't for Spike having a go at them and the spuffy scene I would have hated that whole episode.
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posted over a year ago 
elstef said:
Judging from the other responses, I guess I am the only one who is on the side of the scoobies.

It always got on my nerves when Buffy acted like she was better than everyone, and in "Conversations with Dead People" she flat out says that she believes she is better (granted, Faith says the same thing in season 3, but that it another subject)
Buffy did do alot for her friends and other people, but her friends also did alot for her and they did it without supernatural powers (remember that Willow didnt really begin developing her magic powers until the very end of season 2) Buffy would have been dead many times if it weren't for her friends, and that is not even including the times that she actually did die.

Now, maybe they went too far by kicking her out of the house, but they said they they had to be united, and they didn't feel that Buffy was with them. She was trying to get them to go back to the vineyard when they were clearly still hurting (some of them physically as well as mentally)
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posted over a year ago 
LowriLorenza89 said:
I actually felt that it was a contrived and unrealistic scene, designed simply to make Spike's reaction look even better in comparison and to create a later Spuffy scene. I could believe that some of the Potentials might turn on her, and Faith since they always had tension between them, but not Willow or Xander or Dawn. And as others have pointed out, the house would have been legally Buffy's so they had to right to throw her out.
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posted 2 months ago 
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