Buffy the Vampire Slayer Club
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posted by charmed-buffy
she's in ecstasy
her hollowed sky
pours down heavenly
and fakes desire
i've been living here
in the red
i've been feeling
i'm dead again

we've been bored before...

i have never felt so alone
since the time we left ourselves
half past gone
we've been living here
up against the red
i've been feeling
i'm dead again

we've been bored before...
we'll be bored again...
we've been bored before and again

she's in ecstasy
her hollowed sky
pours down heavenly
and fakes desire
i've been living here
up against red
i've been knowing
i'm dead again

we've been bored before...
we'll be bored again...

shadows to the wall...
Angel Buffy and Riley  "The Yoko Factor"
Angel Buffy and Riley "The Yoko Factor"
As we all look back Season 4. Buffy fell in love with a commando guy who works for underground secert society called the "Intiative". Riley Finn a man who never had a girlfriend in his life until there was Buffy. There relationship was very hard for them in Seasons 4 and 5. Season 4 was about trust and care. When Riley found out about "Angel". He flipped out on Buffy. Like felt that was loosing her in that season. Buffy was trying to make Riley understand her feelings towards Angel.

Season 5 was the worst act yet for Briley. When Buffy first met the famous vampire name "Dracula".Riley was feeling...
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posted by Dragonclaws
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was created by Joss Whedon for the purpose of subverting sexist conventions in the horror genre. Joss describes himself as a feminist, and he promotes feminism through the characters and storylines of Buffy. But while characters may behave in a feminist way, I got to thinking about how feminism itself is depicted in the Buffyverse – it exists as a movement there as it does here, after all. So, here’s a study of how feminism as a movement is portrayed in the Buffyverse.

First of all, I think it’s a good idea to try to get a grip on what Joss’ views are specifically....
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1. Uh, one word: Spike.

2. Action. I'm a sucker for those fast paced, down-and-dirty fist fights!

3. Character development. Watching shy, scrawny, 10th graders turn into strong, powerful, adults is very engrossing, you must admit.

4. Romance & drama. Who doesn't love complex love triangles, hot sex scenes, and intimate relationships? It doesn't hurt to thrown in some gypsy curses and werewolf complications either.

5. Humor. I enjoy a good LOLing.

6. Fantasy. Magic and warlocks, demons and vampires, are all a part of the Buffy package.

7. Message. Who's for feminism?

8. Vampires. Anything...
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Dracula was the historical Vlad Ţepeş. He claimed to have killed more people than God’s plagues combined before he was ever a vampire, and made reference to impaling people in times past (such as those who failed to show him deference, for example).

He met and “hung out” with Anyanka, a vengeance demon and Patron Saint of Scorned Women, when she was about 700 years old. Anyanka had cursed a man by making him incredibly obese, and Dracula complimented her by saying that the man was doomed forever.

In 2000, Dracula came to Sunnydale, a Californian town which lay on a Hellmouth and was home...
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posted by willow96
Xander season 1
Xander season 1
"Bad thing"? I was naked. "Bad thing" doesn't cover it"

"I laugh in the face of danger, and then I hide until it goes away."

"I don't like vampires. I'm going to take a stand and say they're not good."

"Come on, Slayer, I like it when you're scared. The more I scare you, the better you smell."

"You know, I don't know what everyone's talking about. That outfit doesn't make you look like a hooker"

"You're in love with a vampire? What, are you out of your mind?"

"You know, Buffy, Spring Fling just isn't any dance. It's a time for students to choose, um, a mate. And then we can observe their mating rituals, and tag them before they migrate...just kill me!"

"I guess a guy's gotta' be undead to make time with you."

"I don't handle rejection well. Funny, considering all the practice I've had, huh?"

"Well, I guess it could be worse. I could have gangrene on my face."
posted by mimialliwell
Lyrics to the song in Buffy's prophetic dream during the episode Hush (Season 4 Episode 10)

Can't even shout
Can't even cry
The gentlemen are coming by
Looking in windows
Knocking on doors
They need to take seven
And they might take yours
Can't call to mum
Can't say a word
You're gonna die screaming
But you won't be heard

The song clues the Scooby gang in on what the gentlemen do:
They need to take seven
And they might take yours

Refers to the seven hearts they need to collect
You're gonna die screaming
But you won't be heard

Refers the fact that the Gentlemen take away their voices
posted by HoltNLucy4Ever
Ever since I first started watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer, I've always felt that Angel was a better match for Buffy than Spike. To me, Bangel is the perfect couple and they're soul mates who are star-crossed lovers like Romeo and Juliet. They've had to deal with things that no other couple have had to deal with but yet they've come out strong in the end. Angel is the one that Buffy truly is meant to be with because she told him she was cookie dough and not fully baked while Angel told her that he wasn't getting any older. They have been through a lot and I will always love them. I've always...
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New York City WB Television Fall 1999 Season Annoucement
New York City WB Television Fall 1999 Season Annoucement
Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz have created one of the best (if not the best one) TV couple of all time! What made them so special, what was the reason they were so real ?

One word: Chemistry. This is the key. And it's not only about the great working relationship they had, but it's even more about how they felt about each other in real life. You can see a lot of screen couples which in a movie or series play great loves but in reality barely stand each other (e.g.Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey), or simply don't share any special friendship, just regular working relationship. The...
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posted by nataliejade
Season three - The Cast
Season three - The Cast
Buffy will always live on..

This year will be the Forth year they stop buffy and yet still people go nuts about it.
It just goes to show Buffy will now and forever be in our hearts.

There are so many different things about Buffy which make it so amazing..
For one, I love the fact that in one episode it brings so much emotions.

So what makes "Buffy" buffy?
Buffy means diffenet things diffenet people.
Will all have are favourite charcters and episodes. So what are yours?
What characters do you love?
Which episodes make you cry?
Which ones make you laugh?
but mostly..
What reminds you most about the...
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posted by brileyforever77
Buffy picked up the test and read it. She was pregnant. "I'm, I'm pregnant", Buffy said to herself as she was starting to cry.

Buffy was crying sad tears and happy tears. Happy tears because she has always wanted a baby. Sad tears because she wasn't ready to have kids and she didn't know what her future would look like with Spike.

"What am I going to do", Buffy asked herself sill crying. All of a sudden Spike open the bathroom door. He saw the pregnancy test in Buffy's hands. He had a very shocked look on his face.

Spike just kept staring back and forth at Buffy and the pregnancy test. "Are you going to say something?", Buffy asked him, as he looked like he was going to. Spike opened his mouth but no words came out.

Wanna read more? Write in the comments how you felt about chapter 2. I am trying really hard to write a good fanfiction story. I hope you all enjoyed chapter 2, there may be a chapter 3!
posted by bendaimmortal
If Buffy had died while Faith was in a coma...they wouldn't have called on another Slayer?? I mean, according to the tradition it would've required Faith's death to bring the next one along.

But then again, they don't really follow the Slayer "rules" anyway and whatever they do doesn't follow logic. Like, Kendra and Faith were good and experienced as a Slayers when they were sent to Sunnydale though it was long known that Buffy was alive after all. And even with those duos happening they still took five more seasons to realize that hey, why not make all the potential ones active and thus be...
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posted by Faiiiiithh
It takes a teenager to love this teenager... Really. Take a poll. Dawn didn't appeal to the older crowd... But I don't think she was meant to. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was not created to appeal to a general audience.. It was for everyone. (Sure, mostly girls, but the guys were not excluded from the inner Buffy-loving circle.) So Buffy moved up in life. No more School. That's where Dawn comes in. Those teenage years are the hardest, (or so it seems then, but they're hard as hell.) and Dawn was there to represent that exact universal issue. Sure, her school life was not seen very much, but it...
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posted by Xillow-Love
At the beginning of season six Willow resurrects Buffy with a powerful spell. Although her friends believe that they have taken her out of Hell, Buffy had actually been in Heaven since her death (a fact that is revealed to her friends later in the season). She is therefore traumatized by her resurrection and this causes her to fall into a deep depression for most of the season.
Giles returns to England after realizing that Buffy has become too reliant on him, while Buffy takes up a fast-food job for money and develops a secret, mutually abusive relationship with Spike.
Dawn is happy to have her...
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After I watched all the seasons. I finshed watching Angel season 5. I was figuring out which vampire with a soul has a better understanding what a soul is?

I was thinking of Angel? At first because he had it longer than Spike. In Angel's dark past and his history behind his soul. He was cursed with gyspies. Cuz, he slaughtered a lot of people and gyspies (Drusilla) was one of the factors because he turned her because of her gifted sight and Angelus's obsession of Drusilla.

Once Angel got his soul he was on redemption. Looking for his path as a demon with a soul. Angel's life changed when he...
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I wrote this a while back and just found it now. It's about the best or most interesting stories or moments that we know happened but were never shown.

1: The first 4 seasons as remembered by the characters.
Ok, this one sounds stupid, of course we've seen the first seasons. But thanks to the monks who added Dawn, the scoobies memories are quite different than what actually happened. Yet we never found out just how different and what we know that they dont. eg, when Angelus was after Buffy he went after her friends and family. A little sister would be a perfect target in his mind. In their memories...
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Rape plays a large and controversial part in the Whedonverse. When most people think of rape in the ‘verse they will most always think of the scene in Seeing Red, whether you be a Spuffy or Bangel or even Tillow.
I will try to keep my own thoughts and feelings about that scene from this. I have a personal bias for the character Spike and the ship of Buffy & Spike and I’m sure that shows.
If you were just looking for the obvious attempt of physical rape, then yes, Seeing Red would enter your mind. It is most interesting to me that one that is only attempted, never followed through...
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posted by SpikesSlayer08
Check it out guys round 4 of the Cradle of humanity is about to start and Edgehead (the creater of the COH awards) really wants people to get involved and make this years even better then the previous years, these are the categories:

Best Story Best
One Shot
Best W.I.P. (All stories wich are updated within the last two months)
Best Romance
Best Angst
Best Smut
Best Threesome (All stories that contains Spuffy and another character)
Best Unfinished Fic (All stories that never been finished)
Insiders' Tip (All fics that never been nominated or won any award)
Lonely School Award (Best High School Fic)
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posted by willow96
cordelia season 2
cordelia season 2
"I ran. I think I made it through three counties before I realized nobody was chasing me"

"Gee, Xander, what are you gonna teach when you fail in life? Advanced loser-being?"

"Buffy - love the hair. It just screams street urchin."

"Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass."

"Damn it, Xander, what's going on? Who died and made you Elvis?"

"I aspire to help my fellow man.'Check. As long as he's not smelly, dirty or something gross"

"It was a nightmare, a total nightmare. I mean, they promised me they'd take me to St. Croix, and then they just decide to go to Tuscany. Art and buildings? I was totally...
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posted by willow96
buffy season 1
buffy season 1
"Giles, care? I'm putting my life on the line, battling the undead. Look, I broke a nail, ok? I'm wearing a press-on. The least you could do is exhibit some casual interest; you can go hmm."

"I'm sixteen years old. I don't wanna die."

"It's my first day! I was afraid that I was gonna be behind in all my classes, that I wouldn't make any friends, that I would have last month's hair. I didn't think there'd be vampires on campus"

"My diary? You read my diary? That is not okay! A diary is like a person's most private place! You don't even know what I was writing about!'Hunk'can mean a lot of things,...
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