Disney Princess Getting to Know Each Other Game!

nmdis posted on Jan 23, 2013 at 02:11PM
We had known each other for quite a while(some more some less). We know which DP character our friends love and we know which they hate,

Now it's time to take it to a new level!

This is how this game works:

I will ask a questin about the user,for example..

Me:Do you have any pets?

Then the one who sees that will answer the question and add his/her own question..

User1:Yes,i have a dog named Spikes. :)
What's your real name?

Then the next person will answer his/hers question and add another one again...

First Question : Who is your favorite Singer?

Credit: link
last edited on Oct 31, 2013 at 02:55PM

Disney Princess 8127 replies

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Showing Replies 501-550 of 8127

over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
Wicked or Newsies or maybe Fiddler on the Roof...sorry Theater Geek right here.

What are you doing or did for your spring break?
rhythmicmagic commented…
Love those all! over a year ago
over a year ago rigo1315 said…
I went to our rival town with my friends (fun town saw a lot and had a good guide), hung out watched some movies, went swimming and had work. My Spring Break was last week and this week I just had classes and Work.

What exciting or positive thing happened today?
over a year ago dee389 said…
Home alone!!!!!

Ever been to Salzburg, Austria?
over a year ago rosemina said…

Favorite snack?
over a year ago Mongoose09 said…
Pop tarts (they're kind of hard to find in UK though, but possible)

Do you like where you live?
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over a year ago MalloMar said…
That's a really good question! Yes and no. I live in a tiny town where everyone knows each other. There is nothing large or memorable about it. Just a small coffe shop, schools, a small plaza, a downtown pool. We get loads of snow in the winter, and warm weather in the summer. My town is peaceful, and I have had so many memorites there, that I can't imagine leaving.
At the same time, I wish I lived in a large, exciting place, like a city. Sometimes I want to move to somewhere warmer.
"I want adventure in the great, wide somewhere!"
Mongoose09 commented…
Aww, that sounds like a really nice/cute place :) over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
I used to live in a small suburb (though it's done some growing over the years) over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
:) Awesome!! over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
Oops! My question is

What movie makes you cry (If any)?

over a year ago rigo1315 said…
The Mummy. I was 5 and traumatized. I know that's not what you meant, but I don't think I ever cried while watching a movie.

Maybe Wreck It Ralph and Titanic (or similar can't think now) that are just full of emotional AH that makes me want to cry, but I don't :3

I'll continue the question: What movie makes you cry (if any)?
over a year ago dee389 said…
Brother Bear!

Like Julian Lloyd Webber's music?
MalloMar commented…
I cried, too! :'( over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Who's he?

Where do you wish you lived? (Similar to MalloMar's question.)
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over a year ago rigo1315 said…
I love where I live because of how small it is (Simple basically) But I would love to near the ocean.

Favorite Theater Snack?
over a year ago Mongoose09 said…

Last movie you watched?
over a year ago rosemina said…
Skyfall. I'm not very fond of James Bond movies, but this must be one of the best ever made. Extra points for featuring Javier Bardem <3

What is the last book you read?
over a year ago dee389 said…
Definitely A Walk to Remember

Have a PSP?
over a year ago SweetPea2007 said…
nope....just a Wii and game cube

favorite Wii game?
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Harry Potter Lego Edition and Country Dance 2.

Do you have a favorite plushie? (Plush doll/toy)
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over a year ago Mongoose09 said…
Yeah, a dog called Corkie that I've had for over 10 years, love her!

Do you still have stuffed animals or toys in your bedroom?
over a year ago Safira-09 said…
Yes, both bought and self-made plushes... I earn a little money through it :)

Do you have a job?
over a year ago MalloMar said…
No. My whole family is constantly bugging me about it. :\

Have you had a near-death experience?
mhs1025 commented…
MY brothers do the same thing with ME!!!!!! >:( over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I feel your pain/anger. I'm 17, so I guess I do need one. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
I'M 19. I guess I need one too :P over a year ago
over a year ago rhythmicmagic said…
Not that I can recall, which makes me think no

Favorite piece of classical music?
over a year ago dee389 said…
Mozart's work and music from the baroque and renaissance period.

Do you like Jackie Evancho?
over a year ago SweetPea2007 said…

Favorite Adult cartoon?
example:mine is The Venture Brothers
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over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Drawn Together.

Have you ever been forced to do stuff? The kind you don't want to do?
over a year ago rosemina said…
No,never...thank goodness.

Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?
over a year ago dee389 said…
To be honest, no and I'm going to improve on that......plus I'm hypochondriac!!!!

Favourite Pokemon?
over a year ago Awinitarose said…

What was your favorite game as a child?
over a year ago SweetPea2007 said…
Clue (and still is)

favorite cartoon on T.V. as a child?
over a year ago Mongoose09 said…
I liked many, but probably Rugrats or Tom & Jerry

Favourite Disney Channel show that is no longer running?
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Ah man, that's tough! It's probably a tie between Kim Possible and Lizzie McGuire. (In fact, I can't even choose because there were SO MANY that I loved!)

I heard the PEANUTS will get their 1st ever feature length film! Are you going to go see it when it comes out?
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over a year ago MalloMar said…
I'll have to wait til it comes out to DVD. I don't get to go to movies often. Sadly I've only been to a theather twice. Yes. Twice. Once for Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked (which I had already seen. :|) and once for Beauty and the B
over a year ago MalloMar said…
east. (LOVED IT!)

Do you like How the Grinch Stole Christmas (either one)?
over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
The real life one is okay. But I love the animated one, my brothers and I came up with a song about our grumpy old neighbor to the tune of your a mean one. Mr. Grinch.

Have you seen Doctor Who and if so, who's your favorite Doctor?
mhs1025 commented…
I LOVE the animated one myself! over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
No, I haven't seen Doctor Who.

Any exciting trips you're about to go on?
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over a year ago MalloMar said…
Yes! Well, I think so. For my 16th birthday (a year and a half ago!) I was supposed to celebrate with a trip to Disney World. I have never been there before. :( Plans didn't work out, but on April vacation, I might go somewhere . Maybe the Mall of America. I'm happy going anywhere really, but I hope someday I can go to Disney World or Disneyland.

Do you think modern Disney is going in the right direction? (In other words are you satisfied with recent shows/movies?)
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I think they're doing alright.

Do you always try to challenge yourself?
over a year ago dee389 said…
Well, yes in a way, by overcoming my fear of heights!

Do you have any phobia that you want to overcome?
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
The hell I do! MY phobia of really inclement weather.

When was the last time you got scared over something?
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over a year ago rigo1315 said…
Today, I was driving to my college and this huge dust devil came onto the road and literally pushed my car a few inches over. I felt the shift and freaked me out. Everything was good though.

Do you ever read these questions and think "Hmmm... I don't know how to answer that. I'm sure somebody else will answer" ?
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
LOADS of times my friend.

Have you ever thought about doing something unexpected?
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rosemina commented…
me too XD over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Hahahaha! Guilty. over a year ago
over a year ago dee389 said…
Well, a lot to be frank!

Favourite Asian country that you wish to visit?
over a year ago mhs1025 said…

When you hear about bad news in your town, do you-A. Ignore it or B. Wish you lived somewhere else? (OR C. Both)
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over a year ago Mongoose09 said…
Well I usually always wish I lived somewhere else (generally) so bad news makes my feeling stronger

Are there any Disney Princesses that you like a lot more now than you used to?
over a year ago Safira-09 said…
Snow White! Before i got into the fandom, i really didn´t cared for her andn watched her movie only once.

Any princesses you don´t like as much anymore, since you joined fanpop?
MalloMar commented…
Same here! She's so sweet, I just want to take her home! over a year ago
over a year ago rosemina said…
I used to like Ariel more, but when I joined Fanpop I noticed she gets the most love in general, although she has many flaws in her personality and this made me feel less sympathetic to her.I sort of feel the same way about Belle,but I like her as a personality a lot more.

Is there a princess you never liked?
over a year ago Mongoose09 said…
Nope. I've never really been a fan of Ariel though, but I used to like her more than I do now, but I didn't dislike her before.

Who do you think is the most underappreciated/underrated Princess?
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over a year ago rigo1315 said…
Pocahontas. It's pretty sad all that they say and reasons why people don't like her. I think she's great and I especially like the music and Meeko :3 Definatley Meeko :3

I'll continue it: Who do you think is an under-appreciated/underrated Princess?

(I went with the 11 we have so far, but aside from our 11 princess, Giselle, Kida, Eilonwy and Merida are not really appreciated either)
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over a year ago Mongoose09 said…
Definitely Tiana. I don't think she's disliked much, but I think a lot of people are very "neutral" towards her (admittedly I used to be in the "neutral" stage, but recently I've come to like her a lot) People say she's uninteresting/boring but I think she's a very interesting character.

I also think Snow White could use some more appreciation - she's loved universally, but at the same time a lot of people seem to dislike her, too.

Which DP movie have you never been a fan of (or just liked less than the others)?
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over a year ago MalloMar said…
Call me lame, but... none.
I used to think Sleeping Beauty, Pocahontas, and Tangled were not that great. I encouraged myself to rewatch them, and discovered that I really like all of them, and changed my opinions on the above listed movies. :)

That's not a satisfying answer, so I'll continue it...
Which DP movie have you never been a fan of (or just liked less than the others)?
over a year ago dee389 said…
Brave, don't ask me why!

What's your best moment for your birthday?
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
The time I was born. I ALWAYS watch the clock to see the time I was born. That's exactly when I turn a year older!

What do you do if you get involved in a flame war?
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