Disney Princess Unpopular Disney opinions (confessions)

viktoriya773 posted on Feb 10, 2014 at 11:53PM
Post your unpopular Disney opinion here. Express your opinion about not only DP but Disney in general. Please be respectful about each other's opinions and don't bash someone because of it. Say "I disagree/agree with you because..." I'm sure everyone is mature enough to handle it.

Disney Princess 811 replies

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Showing Replies 601-650 of 811

over a year ago MaidofOrleans said…
I think the Renaissance Era is overrated. There, I said it. I don't have a favorite era and I think they each have their respective strengths and weaknesses. Each era has some amazing films to its name. Each era also has some not so great or even downright terrible movies in it. I don't think the Renaissance is any better or worse than the Classic or Revival Eras, they just each have different strengths.
UnholyNoise commented…
Agreed! Though I do think nothing tops early renaissance songwriting. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
@Sparklefairy: Whatever. You just state the same stuff over and over. And as for not understanding, you never made an attempt to understand, either. You just pass judgement on other people. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
@Unholynoise: So blaming the Renaissance fans for continuing to love their "90s movies" somehow is the solution for the discrepancy in attention you see for other eras? Well, ain't that rather convenient. That sounds like a really poor way to make friends with fellow Disney fans. But go ahead. Aggravating people by blaming them for liking something that is already popular just adds nothing but discord. And we got plenty of blaming when the Frozen fans jumped down on everyone who didn't enjoy Frozen, and blamed them for not liking it. Life has been swell since then. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I don't know whether this is considered unpopular or not, but I might as well say it. I wish Tarzan and Prince Adam don't look similar, especially their hair and bony face!
scarletunicorn commented…
they're both animated by the same guy, tho. they would share similarities over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Wow, I even didn't really noticed it until I read your opinion! over a year ago
ace2000 commented…
The only similarity I personally see is the long hair. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Y'all know how The Original 6 consisted of Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, and Jasmine, right? Well, I just came up with a new theory. Say Anna and Elsa DON'T get added to the lineup and Moana DOES. We could have a new 6! This new 6 would include Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, and Moana. I think if they put THOSE 6 on merch, it would sell. Plus, Pocahontas and Mulan would get more recognition. What do y'all think about this?
MaidofOrleans commented…
Cool idea! I like it! over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
Well, Tiana, Rapunzel, and Merida are already plastered to backpacks, cups, clothing, and the like. It would be cool to see Poca and Mulan get more attention. And I don't think it would hurt anything, if that were something that happened. But with Disney these days? It's hard to tell. :/ over a year ago
coolsinger198 commented…
Oh thats interesting! over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
It bothers me when some fans are often compare Classic and Renaissance Eras movies with Revival Era movies as well. I think it's unfair to compare those three different eras as well, as they are create in different time periods, which means characteristic, personality of each characters, and moral messages of movies from each eras are suited with the perspectives of audiences and public in each time periods. For example: Revival era movies are focused more with family and friendship rather than romance, to more attract current audiences, which definitely have different perspective than the audiences from previous eras.
MaidofOrleans commented…
It doesn't really bother me too much, but they are pretty different. However I think there are some themes that can be found in more than one era. over a year ago
ace2000 commented…
Didn't think there was attacking, either... Thought I phrased my comment politely, too :/. @wavesurf: my comment was not meant to be threatening. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I do not saying any eras better than others but I'm getting confuse why she always pretend me to bash Renaissance era? (And so do the other users). What she cares is only she didn't want any users bashing anything that she loves (Renaissance, Ariel, there are many examples of them). Meanwhile she bashing things that she hate so much. Lol it's actually very funny when you didn't want anyone bashing anything that you love, but you bashing anything that others love but you don't. Sigh, does anyone here are felt difficult to learn to respect with what other peoples love? over a year ago
over a year ago UnholyNoise said…
I think it's funny when people get all bent out of shape that the Revival era movies have this marketing strategy that's about making their characters and morals "better" than those from past eras. Especially Renaissance stans - like, do you guys seriously not remember how aggressively Jasmine, Ariel, Mulan, and especially Belle were marketed as being not passive/dumb/hung up on getting a man like Walt's girls were? Because I sure do.
last edited over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
@Unholynoise: I wonder if you ( and others) would still get the kind of "reception" you're getting from other fans, if you didn't decide to call the Renaissance overrated. You created a sore point, and then proceeded to hammer down on it. But most of the Revival advertising has been exceedingly more aggressive than had been going down during the Renaissance and Classic eras. I don't recall people comparing lions to princesses and demi-gods, for instance. Nor saying that such and such was "the most feminist movie" out of all of the princess movies. Nope. That wasn't done so "brazenly" like it is now. Welcome to when Disney DID decide to use that sort of tactic out in the open. Disney created this sickening backlash among fans. The Revival has the worst advertising combination yet. over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
^ lmao this group has an archive, it's not that hard to scroll back and see how often I've brought up what I don't like about the renaissance - without even going into whether I think it's overrated - and still caught flak for it. And it's not "from other fans" - it's from you. I really don't have this problem with anyone else. You've always been super aggro about this subject and you always will be. You know you'd react the same to any pro-revival renaissance-critical comments no matter how they're worded. Anyway, literally every renaissance DP was marketed as being better (i.e. more feminist) than the girls of the previous era, and just as obnoxiously - Ariel's shtick is that she doesn't wait to get what she wants, she goes after it. Mulan's marketing was about how she can literally kick a guy's ass. Belle was the worst in how aggressively they made her "not like the other girls." Even now the discourse on her is like that. The revival didn't invent this gimmick, the renaissance did. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
^Disney CREATED this gimmick. Disney bought into larger society and the ultra-feminist "mindset" and VOILA!--- you have yourself a wonderful set of new characters who will all be picked apart down to their nucleotides. Gimme a break. The Renaissance didn't START anything. Outside forces from ultra-feminists DROVE Disney in the lame direction it is going. The rest is history. So you can stop blaming the Renaissance for every flaw that Disney currently has. How about blaming societal ideas of feminism? That's definitely what deserves blame, here, and is what I blame. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
It might sound weird, but I don't count designs and (somewhat) movements as part of animation. When I think of animation I think of things like the colors of the background and characters, the shadows, the lighting, and effects. I rant designs of characters and other things like that to be part of more of the drawing style rather than animation. I hate the drawing style of Hercules, but I do think the animation is beautiful. With movements, I consider it part of the animation but also not at the same time. I know many are going to disagree with me on this (or are probably confused by what I'm trying to say) but it's just my opinion.
over a year ago xanara said…
It bothers me when certain users attack other people's opinions just because they do not agree exactly with what is the "norm". What's even funnier is that these same users are very defensive and the second an opinion of theirs (that they believe to be fact) is attacked, they lose all restraint and freak out, typing out long diatribes like I am now just to show how ridiculous this all is. People are allowed to have different opinions you know. Debate is not restricted and should in fact be encouraged and that comes from a difference of opinions and beliefs. I'm noticing a very group mentality here where people gang up on others for advocating an opinion that is not shared by the defensive group.
MaidofOrleans commented…
This unfortunately happens a lot of Fanpop. I do my best not to engage unless I am the one getting attacked. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
You're fairly new here... so I'll just say this. Respectful discussion is good as long as it doesn't involve using labels. Once the labels start, the game is toast, and the respect in the argument slides downhill. Disney introduced a "very discordant" emphasis in the newer films, an even "promoted" some of the in-fighting and friction among the fanbases, just so people would "buy more stuff." Tickets, paraphernalia, etc. The disagreement in our club wasn't something we did to ourselves. We don't live in a vaccum. Disney brought it to us, by trying to cater to their demographic. But they ended up "splitting the demographic" instead. over a year ago
coolsinger198 commented…
Please, preach. over a year ago
over a year ago ace2000 said…
Athena from Tomorrowland is the best live-action Disney character.
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I've been meaning to post this unpopular opinion for a while and I'm finally going to say it. Melody does NOT blame others for bad things that happen to her. I haven't just heard that here on Fanpop, but also on other sites and really this isn't AT ALL shown in her movie. Where the hell did she even blame others, other than telling Morgana that she tricked her? When her party becomes a disaster she doesn't blame Sebastian or Chef Louis. She even says these exact quotes to her mother while crying: "What's wrong with me?" and "Mom, I'm the princess of disaster!". So far not seeing her as blaming others for her problems. Well, there is when she discovers the locket has her name on it and Ariel reprimands her for going into the sea..... Where she again DOESN'T blame anyone but asks her mother why the locket has her name on it and realizes she's hiding something, but Ariel just changes the subject by saying she disobeyed her.

Not seeing Melody really blaming anyone where, since she's just pointing out the obvious (Ariel is hiding something from her) and asking a reasonable question anyone in her situation would ask but received no answer. Melody has a perfectly good reason for being upset with Ariel because she's hiding something from her, refuses to tell her about it, and changes the subject to Melody disobeying her. I know Ariel has her reasons, but Melody is in the right here and isn't blaming ANYONE! She wanted answers and as far as she knew at that point, no one was going to tell her something important that she had the right to know.

Yes, she does betray her mother and gives the trident to Morgana, but she was mad and not thinking clearly. Ariel had been lying to her for her entire life, especially since it involved something related to her love of the sea and mermaids. Her lack of trust was understandable, plus she's twelve-years-old for crying out loud! When they're mad at their parents, they go against them without thinking clearly and for MUCH LESSER justifiable reasons than Melody. She admits to Flounder that everything is her fault and doesn't blame anyone. She at first got mad at Morgana for tricking her, but soon realized that it was really her own fault. So one time equals her constantly blaming others? BULL CRAP! She even fixes her mistakes by defeating Morgana (with the help of Triton in the end) and apologizes because she realizes her mistake.

I respect other peoples opinion, but I've heard this argument several times (not only on Fanpop but other sites as well) and I'm sorry, but it isn't an opinion when there is NOTHING shown in the movie where she displays this behavior, so it's completely FALSE. A lot of this comes from fans of Ariel that just don't like it when there is a character that doesn't 100% agree with her or go along with her way of thinking. I ADORE Ariel, but don't demonize other characters like Melody or Triton (a confession I've already made) just because they don't agree with her. I don't expect everyone to like Melody just because I do, but don't make up reasons to hate her that are NEVER shown in the movie.
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I completely agree with you. Melody never blaming anyone, instead she seems like blaming herself. Ariel was wrong actually, she hiding the biggest fact of Melody's life and that makes her being upset and it's hard for her to trusting her mother again. She's definitely has more development than Ariel does. I do confuse why some Ariel fans think she's selfish and a brat. over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
completely agree with this post. Though I dont really enjoy melodoy, but she's definitely not blaming anyone and needs answer for what's her right. over a year ago
MaidofOrleans commented…
Totally agree with this! over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Although I'm not a fan of the sequel, I have to agree. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
Call me bias if you want, but I just don't see how Rapunzel is often called as Mary-Sue by some fans here. Yes, she have many good traits, but it doesn't make her to be too perfect. I think the princesses like Cinderella and Aurora are more like Mary Sue than Rapunzel.
ace2000 commented…
Agree. Cinderella is portrayed as miles more beautiful and kind than anyone around her. And Aurora has extreme physical beauty, an extremely beautiful voice, a killer figure, and a kind, calm disposition. Rapunzel is rather insecure and doesn't possess quite as much grace of action as the former two IMO over a year ago
ace2000 commented…
Also Mother Gothel calls her ditzy and vague but anyway. Dunno if the movie really meant that about Rapunzel, since it *is* the villain talking. over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
Mary-Sue is an overused term in and of itself. I would say for the modern era Rapunzel fits the specifications of being classified as one. Her flaws aren't really flaws as much as they are ways to make her even more innocent (flawless), so I'd say she's definitely a Mary-Sue in that regard. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I wish people don't compare Belle to Bella Swan, it's pretty stupid!
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Lol I never seen any peoples who compare them both. They are pretty different. over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
really? i have never heard of this comparison. And yes, they are world apart. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
I think the few times I've seen it it's done jokingly but there are definitely similarities: brown eyed brunettes who everyone finds beautiful, everyone wants to be their friend despite being "not like other girls", prefer books to socializing, live with their dad's in small towns, get a fancy gown from their new friends at least once, fall for a controlling guy with a supernatural nature, was written to be every girl's self-insert. They're pretty alike. It's just "uncool" to compare anyone to Bella. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I think Sadira is more beautiful than Jasmine. If only she was in a product with better animation (Along with a hairbrush).
I think Sadira is more beautiful than Jasmine. If only she was in a product with better animation (Al
deedragongirl commented…
She looks more like a Typical Hispanic princess. over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
Did I ask what ethnicity she looked like? NO! I don't think so. So please don't just say random things that have nothing to do with the subject. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Apologies for the randomness. She reminds me of Gabriella (Not confident thats her name...), the deaf mermaid from the TLM series. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I'm going to be killed by Kataralover, but I used to hate Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas because it's scary and dark for a Christmas film, but after listening to the soundtrack recently, I need to watch it again for Christmas this year!
last edited over a year ago
xanara commented…
I hated the villain. over a year ago
over a year ago anukriti2409 said…
i really want to see a gorgeous, heart-warming good old romantic story in Disney's next movie. Something as simple and beautiful as Me Before You. I'm a little exhausted with the continuous streak of all the action-packed, ambition driven, save the world plots.
Sparklefairy375 commented…
It's such a nice idea but I think Disney wouldn't make romantic as their priority in their current movies. Except of some remakes of old Disney movies, though. over a year ago
MaidofOrleans commented…
Tbh I actually love the new action packed save the world movies. They're so fun imo! over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
^it's not like that I don't enjoy them. Brave is one of my favorite movies of all time. I did enjoy Tangled a lot. And recently Moana too was nice. But I'm saying it would be nice to have some mixes. Its too continuous for me to feel fresh about them. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
The Revival era is becoming monotonous. I agree with a poll from Scarletunicorn, and with Anukriti, here. It's the same thing over and over and over again. And now I want something else. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
Call me childish or something like that, but I love the redesign look of Disney Princesses. They looks fresh in the redesign look.
last edited over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
i can't say for every princess. But i def like Snow, Cinderella, Tiana and Merida. Rest i prefer original over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I also like the original one too. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
Yeah, some are actually improvements. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I hated Human Again, because the objects are very selfish and egoistical!
MaidofOrleans commented…
Eh, I disagree. They were turned into objects years prior as a side effect to a spell that wasn't even their fault. I don't think it's selfish for them to want to be human and be able to do human things again. over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
agree with MaidofOrleans. over a year ago
xanara commented…
This is a weird opinion. I would like to see you turned into an object for 10 years for no fault of your own and then see if you consider yourself selfish for dreaming of turning human again. over a year ago
over a year ago coolsinger198 said…
These are two opinions. One is unpopular and one isn't, at least I don't think it is.

1. To be completely honest, I like characters that have little or no flaws, which are hard to find. I don't mind Mary Sues. They have traits I admire and when they inspire me to be the best person of myself that I can. Yes they are unrealistic, but since we live in a media-centered world, seeing a character like that can impact the lives of others. And there ARE good people who don't have many flaws.

2. I also find that when people love a character and they obviously have flaws, they fail to recognize it because they love the character that much. I used to do that with my favorite fictional character but I learned that it isn't fair to dismiss it in them, but scold it in other characters.
coolsinger198 commented…
This isn't a subtweet at anyone btw. With all the constant arguments and diatribes going on, I'm not going to intentionally start a fight here. over a year ago
ace2000 commented…
I completely agree with both of your points. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I agree with Truth76. Characters who are seen as "perfect" tend to come off "as snobs" to me, so they end up "being flawed" purely for that. And we have never yet reached a level of human "perfection." So while I respect you opinion, I don't see it as wrong to find flaws in even "the perfect" characters. And there are only a few good traits in my least favorites. Most of their personalities, I would never emulate, because I've seen people who acted the same way in real life. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Okay, I don't really know whether this is considered a very unpopular opinion or not, but I might as well say it and please forgive me auroraxaurelia for using your image without seeking your permission. But I wish Belle was designed like this. I don't know why, but really!
last edited over a year ago
Okay, I don't really know whether this is considered a very unpopular opinion or not, but I might as
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Eh, it looks like a crossover between Adam and Cinderella from third sequel IMHO. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I actually enjoy Disney remakes towards the classic animated movies. I think nothing wrong with remaking movies, it's the common thing happen in movies.
MaidofOrleans commented…
I like them too! over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
i love Disney remakes. I even enjoy twists from the original movies. I see it as a different perspective. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Mixed opinions. I tend to both like and dislike them. over a year ago
over a year ago LittleGoldie said…
I actually like the Beast's human form. I see a lot of people hating on it, but I personally think he looks good.
ace2000 commented…
Same over a year ago
MaidofOrleans commented…
I think he looks good too. I've got a thing for guys with longer hair. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
Yeah, pretty coloring, great eyes, one of the best Disney Prince bodies. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Disney should make a geeky princess like Princess Mia in the Princess Diaries.
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I think that The Enchantress, Babette/Fifi, the Bimbettes, the woman that says "Good day", and Angelique are more beautiful than Belle! Belle is so common looking and isn't stunning or gorgeous or anything special. She's beautiful but in a more average and ordinary way than the extraordinary beauty that she's made out to be.
I think that The Enchantress, Babette/Fifi, the Bimbettes, the woman that says "Good day", and Angeli
deedragongirl commented…
Well, Belle looks pretty in her own way. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I agree with Dee. over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
i find Belle to be more beautiful in sober and natural way. over a year ago
MissCinico commented…
I agree, I think Belle looks plain in comparison to the side characters. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
Though she is considered as "fairest of them all", I don't think Snow White is really pretty.
anukriti2409 commented…
i agree. i have never found snow white to be so exceptionally beautiful. over a year ago
Aang_Lite_ commented…
Aurora fits the bill of gift of beauty quite nicely though. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I was very happy that Giselle from Disney's Enchanted is not included in the DP lineup, she's my least favourite princess.
over a year ago _CatWoman_ said…
This is kind of a confession, but not really unpopular, I just feel like no one's really talked about it. But really think that since Anna and Elsa aren't Disney Princesses (and wont be), that we really shouldn't count them officially in our club (but some people are already doing that). Idk why but it's kinda like if someone included Sofia the First or Megara in the lists/polls for me, where there's a separate club for animated heroines so I just don't think they should be here since they aren't official. Tbh even though I really loved Moana and I'm fairly certain she'll be added, I don't even wanna include her until she's official. But that's just me, I'm not tryna tell you how to live your life or whatever... fight the man, man~
last edited over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
^ Well, I would agree with you...that is, if I had any miniscule power to change anything about this situation. Really, there was a set of polls occurring about three months ago, where people tried to vote as to whether or not to include Elsa and Anna ( unofficial) alongside the rest of the Official DPs. Most people voted to keep them in here, because they happened to be their most favorite "princesses." And that was that. And I went back to what I had been doing. I just learned to see and don't see. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I think Maleficent have better storyline than Sleeping Beauty.
-The reason why Maleficent curse Aurora more makes sense. She curse her because her revenge with Aurora's father who betray her, it was more acceptable rather than in the original one, which she curse her only because she wasn't invited to the party.Ridiculous.
-Maleficent isn't thoroughly evil. She feels guilty to curse Aurora after she supervise her for 16 years and realize that she is innocent and she doesn't deserve that curse. It's more realistic and shown human nature, which wasn't fully good or evil.
-The meaning of true love in Maleficent is more universal. Aurora was awaken after Maleficent kiss her brow, represent her motherly-like love with her. In original one the curse was broken with Philip kiss her, which Aurora met only around one day. I know it's a fairytale, but I just think it was unrealistic.
last edited over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I agree with you, at least partially. I enjoy both, but for different reasons. But I do think the Maleficent from 1959 sucked. She had all the ferocity and evilness of cardboard. At least, in the remake, Maleficent was no longer a one-sided figure. Maleficent 2014 showed that a fractured version of the fairy tale can be good, too. But I do like the original movie, as well. As I said, I enjoy both of them, but for different reasons. over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
i like both the movies. I like seeing Maleficent with humane side and i liked seeing her as pure evil too. I mostly enjoy the original more for the fairies and the fairytale look and feel than the storyplot. I like Maleficent for its magnificent animation and well thought storyplot. over a year ago
xanara commented…
Trash opinions. Maleficent was garbage! over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
^Disagreement is fine, but please don't use offensive words. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
Most peoples often said both Cars and Cars 2 are considered as worst Pixar movies, and only created for appealing little boys, but I enjoy to watch them ^.^ Though I admit the story of Cars 2 is kinda forced to be a secret agent story instead of the racing.
last edited over a year ago
cruella commented…
I love both of them, even if they do have their flaws. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
How Far I'll Go has more motivational lyrics than Let It Go upon recently listening to it again.
anukriti2409 commented…
i agree. Let it go 2nd para is so overly filled with ice metaphors that it kills the mood entirely. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Yeah, now I slightly like How Far I'll Go better than Let it Go. over a year ago
over a year ago anukriti2409 said…
I find Anna's hair is more beautiful than Elsa's.
MalloMar commented…
It is really pretty. :) I remember predicting before the movie came out that people would start bleaching a strand of their hair like Anna, but I was wrong there... haha. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Okay, this is my brother's opinion and on the behalf of him, he thinks that Frozen is 10 times better than Moana.
xanara commented…
That is only half true. Frozen is 5x better than Moana. over a year ago
over a year ago cruella said…
This is a copy and paste of a confession from CAMH forum.

I'm sure that I'm going to get a lot of hate for this one, but it's a confession I've been meaning to make for a while. I don't understand this trend among Disney fans, especially ones who don't like the villains, to claim that Cruella is THE most evil (not just Disney) villain ever because of her animal cruelty. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to excuse her, or say that she's a nice person by any means. But really, when I just compare her to other Disney villains I can think of serval that come across a more evil then she does. I'm mean you've got Frollo, who wanted to kill a whole race of people, Shan-Yu, who enjoyed torturing people, The Evil Queen, who tried to kill out of envy.

If somebody's going to say that animal cruelty is their main reason for claiming that she's the most evil, okay that's their opinion and I respect it. I do have a question though, why isn't Edgar from the Aristo Cats so evil, I mean he poisons cats, steals them, and leaves them to die for money? But when ever I've mentioned him everybody just seems to like him, and not be bothered by his animal, because 'he's funny". Like I said, I respect everyone's opinion but some constancy and reasons for those opinions would be nice.

Sorry for the rant I just had to get that off my chest.
cruella commented…
Yeah, I agree with you about Scar. While I do think killing puppies is evil, I just don't think Cruella is quite as evil as a lot of people think, especially since she tried to fix her fur addiction in the sequel. over a year ago
over a year ago cruella said…
Sorry to make two posts in row.

This is a copy and paste of a confession on CAMH forum

Here's an unpopular opinion I've been meaning to make for a while. I'm sick of this trend among DuckTales fans of absolutely demonizing Launchpad to make Scrooge look good and excuse his harsh behavior. Of course he's been accused of being a reverse snob for a while, but now they're claiming that he's a leech and gold digger, is too stupid to live, and does nothing but cause problems.

First of all: A rerseve snob is someone who looks down on a another person for being better off than they are. Nothing in Launchpad's personality would indicate that he's that way. The one minor incident that always mention is what is supposed to be an awkward moment where he says Scrooge can get away with wearing a weird looking outfit because he's rich.

As far a him being a leech and gold digger, again, where in his personality does it hint that he's like that? He definitely isn't shown trying to sweet talk Scrooge into giving him money, unlike Huey, Dewey and Louie. In the episode Launchpad first crash he's shown lowering his flying fee for Scrooge because he was desperate for a costumer, and hasn't asked for any raises in all the years they worked together.

And as far as him being too stupid to live and doing nothing but causing problems, you're partially right. Yes he is arguably "stupid", and clumsy because he's the comic relief, which does sometimes cause problems. But he's also very competent in other areas and saves the day sometimes, like in the episodes Top Duck, and Where No Duck Has Gone Before. Also he's not the only character whose flaws have caused problems for the group. Scrooge's greed and temper, and Huey, Dewey and Louie's irresponsibly have also cause problems.

You guys all know how much I adore Scrooge, so take it from me, demonizing his friends doesn't excuse his flaws.
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I'm honestly not too surprised when people don't refer to Aurora by her actual name and just call her Sleeping Beauty. This is probably because of my personal opinion, but I think it's because she is one of the most forgettable protagonists in Disney history. Yes, they do say her name constantly in the first song (Hail to the Princess Aurora) but how many people do you know that are humming that song like they do Once Upon A Dream? If it wasn't for the Disney Princess franchise she'd likely be completely forgotten. People usually think about the Three Good Fairies and Maleficent when they hear about Sleeping Beauty but not Aurora. Also, a reason for little kids who probably don't remember her name likely don't know whether to call her Aurora or Briar Rose (or Rose for short) because she's more often called that than she is Aurora in the movie. I think it's because she's just not very memorable as a character that people call her Sleeping Beauty and not Aurora. I mean, people know Ariel and call her by her name and don't call her The Little Mermaid. Why? Because even if you like Aurora more, you can't deny that Ariel is a more memorable character. There are characters I like more than others but still admit that they aren't as memorable as certain characters I don't like. I DESPISE Peter Pan but I know he's more memorable than say Taran from The Black Cauldron. But this is all just my opinion.
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I completely agree with you. That's why Aurora is considered as 'false' protagonist, as she didn't much memorable like three good fairies or Maleficent. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I prefer the animated version of Peter Pan over the 2003 version!
KataraLover commented…
I honestly think the animated Peter Pan is awful! The characters are either bland or annoying, it's really dated, it's racist, it's sexist, and is BORING! Even Walt Disney himself said he didn't like the movie and particularly hated Peter Pan himself. The 2003 version has more charm to it, was better at balancing Hook as both funny and menacing, the characters (even Pan) were more likable, it wasn't racist or sexist, and Pan would be called out on his crap and have it just seen as charming while also being shown as more human. I also think that the sequel to the Disney movie, Return to Neverland is SUPERIOR to the original animated movie as well for the same reasons. over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
I especially love how it shows how hard it is to hold onto childhood and Jane's struggle is understandable. Plus she's a very entertaining and likable character. She'll actually call both Pan and Tinkerbell out on the crap instead of being like her mother who would just take what Pan's crap (Even when she tries to call him out on it, it's not long enough for him to noticed. Jane makes sure he notices) or when Tinkerbell tried to kill her told Pan to show mercy (NO ONE, ESPECIALLY A CHILD, IS THAT KIND)! Sorry for the rant, but just my opinion. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I'm neutral towards the animated version, but the 2003 one is awful for me. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I'm actually fine with the "twist-villain" type that Disney use in some of their current movies (King Candy/Turbo, Hans, Yokai/Callaghan, and Bellwether). They brings more surprise with the audiences. The one who we expected to be good, is actually evil. Though I agree if Disney seems to be a bit overused with this type of villain.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I don't see how Belle is snob and rude. Yes, she seems to a bit snob with the villagers, but that's just because she dislike the villagers that pretend her and her father to be freaks towards her father's job as inventor and Belle's loving with books. She might be seems a bit stubborn with refuse Beast's offering to a dinner and leave him alone after he gets mad with her. But again, that's because she didn't like the rude Beast and she's scary with him. It's pretty understandable. A lot of peoples who dislike Belle often said this and it upset me.
wavesurf commented…
^Mmm. Just learn to ignore it? I don't know what else to tell you. I loved Belle's brown shoes when I was growing up, but I didn't really love her snide remarks to Gaston, to the Beast, to Cogsworth ( whom I really liked) etc. When I was really little, I found Belle rather boring because she didn't go on "an adventure" at all exactly.... She stayed right in the neighborhood. Belle just got herself captured, and then stayed with her captor, and then love "happened" and magically turned him back into a human. As I got older, and rewatched the movie, I realized that Belle was irritating to me for being a blander version of Jo from Little Women. But if this bothers you, I could equally say that people dislike Ariel and routinely call her rude, selfish, and inconsiderate. The most fervent Ariel haters fume about the fact that to them "Ariel doesn't deserve her happy ending," "she never learns a lesson, blah, blah,blah," "Ariel doesn't apologize," etc. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
@Disnerdtobe: W-What? Seriously? How can a kind and sweet princess like Cinderella got a lot of hate too? I never seen any hatred on Cinderella, at least on Fanpop. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
@Sparklefairy: Just type "hatred of Ariel" into any internet search engine. I guarantee you'll see pages of "hits." Same with Cinderella. Unfortunately, for both, hatred for them is great and it's widespread. Too bad, they're really close to my heart. *sighs* over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
WARNING: This turned out longer than I expected it to be and I know people will disagree with me... Well... Mainly the Frozen fans.

I think that The Princess and the Frog objectively has a better soundtrack than Frozen. What do I mean by that? Well, first of all, before I explain, let's forget how Frozen's soundtrack has been EVERYWHERE in the past. Also, I don't hate or dislike Frozen, it's MAJORLY overrated but good. The reason The Princess and the Frog's soundtrack is better is that it suits the style of its movie better than Frozen's songs do with its movie. It's set in New Orleans and the instrumental style is jazz and not just that, Dig A Little Deep has a gospel style to it, which is popular among the black community. Ray's song with his family fits with the Cajun style that is known in the Louisiana bayou and is used to help to help guide our heroes through this strange world (especially after Louis got them lost). Even the short opening of The Evening Star fits in with the concept of wishing on stars in the movie. They're a lot of fun and personally got me invested into the movie because they sucked me into New Orleans and its musical style.

Frozen's songs are great too (With two or three exceptions) but I think the musical style didn't fit the movie. I don't feel like the instrumental style is too modern or poppy like a lot of people do. The great songs felt like the typical timeless instrumental music you'd hear in fairy-tale movies and I think it's the kind of instrumental style that Tangled's song should've had (Except for the reprise of Mother Knows Best). However, it missed a HUGE opportunity to have the songs use a more Scandinavian style in its instrumental style. Like when the song opens up with a choir singing, which they also use when Elsa brings back summer and even do something similar when Elsa is crowned Queen and we see an actual choir sing. That was great and it would've worked better if the songs had that style.

The songs that aren't great, in my opinion, are Reindeers Are Better Than People, In Summer, and Fixer Upper. They really don't fit into the movie AT ALL! The reindeer song doesn't add anything in terms of story, is too short, doesn't have Jonathan Groff live up to his vocal talent, and the style is more of the pop guitar music that we got in Tangled (In the songs, anyway). In Summer is cute but doesn't really feel like it should belong in the movie but more in a Winnie the Pooh movie or something where the songs are mainly cute and fun. Fixer Upper, ignoring that the trolls are basically encouraging adultery and ignoring the seriousness of Anna's situation, is a very flawed song in quite a few ways. It's just used to force Anna and Kristoff to fall in love and make it seem even more out of nowhere, it's an odd choice to have as the last song in the movie, feels more like filler, and the gospel style REALLY doesn't fit. It worked with Dig a Little Deeper because of how gospel is popular in the black community and in New Orleans. It also worked in Hercules because gospel because of how the gospel songs were only sung by the Muses (Who I think were black, could be wrong) and they're goddesses, therefore it makes sense for them to sing a style that is used in churches, has a heavenly feeling, and goes with one of the themes of the movie (Immortality). Here it doesn't really fit at all.

I also think the songs in The Princess and the Frog transition better. Even when I fell in love with Frozen the first time I saw it (Before noticing its flaws after my second or third viewing before the hype for it went INSANE) I felt like the songs didn't transition very well. I felt like maybe they could've used the instrumental music to transition better. Like with Let It Go, when Anna leaves and we see nothing but a crazy snow storm before we get to Elsa at The North Mountain, we get the a kind of Scandinavian instrumental style music but then out of nowhere a Broadway-style instrumental music comes to have Elsa sing Let It Go. The song is amazing, but the transition didn't feel natural like with The Princess and the Frog. The songs in The Princess and the Frog managed to transition better because all of the music in the movie (Even when there aren't any songs) always keeps its style the same, so the transitions are more flowing. It never felt out of nowhere or that it didn't fit with the movie. They helped move the story along too.

Frozen's songs did move the story along too (the great ones), although the reprise of For the First Time in Forever felt kind of forced in certain ways. Like how some lines kind of shoved things down our throats like "There's so much fear!" (No sh*t Ms. Einstein). Also, I feel like the song Life's Too Short would've fit the situation better because it has Elsa confident and not afraid of her powers anymore, instead of contradicting the Let It Go scene, and moves the story along better as well as showing Anna and Elsa acting more like real sisters. But again, even that song should've had its instrumental style fit more the Scandinavian style and just let Tangled have its songs have the Broadway-style music.

I know the post is REALLY LONG and it's likely NO ONE will read all of it, let alone comment, but it's my opinion. But I do promise I didn't mean for this to end up being so long!
deedragongirl commented…
Considering that I'm Frozen fan, I have to agree with everything on what you say! Although I have the Frozen soundtrack on my iPod and surprise, surprise. I hardly listen to it! over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Well, the soundtrack in Frozen only works best in Let it Go (maybe I'm a little bit biased here) and Vuelie. The others, not really so, some of them are kinda cheesy. But I'm still not a fan of TPATF soundtrack much. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I just don't think either soundtrack was good. over a year ago
ApplesauceDoctr commented…
You make fair points and I liked seeing your perspective. I'll make one argument in favor of Fixer Upper though. It's not my favorite song, but in it the trolls suggest to Anna that showing another person love, though it won't "change" them, can open their eyes. And that's what she does later for Elsa. over a year ago
over a year ago coolsinger198 said…
Pocahontas is the bravest Disney princess.
wavesurf commented…
I consider Pocahontas ONE of the bravest princesses Disney has, but not "the bravest." over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I think The Lion King is overrated.
wavesurf commented…
^Why? It's well-loved just like Frozen. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Well, The Lion King was praised so much by most of the fans, and it brings the impact for the recent Disney movies, which often compared with it, you see, the words like "the best one since The Lion King". However I find it just okay. Maybe it's just my different taste. over a year ago
ApplesauceDoctr commented…
I was never a *huge* fan of the Lion King either. I do think it's good, and I get why people like it, but it's just not one of the ones I love most. I completely get what you're saying. over a year ago
over a year ago cruella said…
Okay, get ready for a big rant! I know I'm pretty much the only Jar Jar Binks fan on the planet but I've gotta get this off my chest, because I'm REALLY MAD about what Disney decided to do with him. I can't believe they decided to make his official fate being banished for a second time and reduced to a street preformer! The author of the book says that he did it to represent real life, with adults hating him and kids loving him. Even if that was what he was doing there are much better ways to have done it than this. I know that he's unpopular but Disney is so much better than this, especially since they started to develop out just the comic relief. This honestly just feels like a giant slap in the face to all Jar Jar fans, almost like they're telling us we don't deserve to be Star Wars fans. I haven't been this mad at Disney in a long time.
last edited over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I didn't love The Force Awakens. i thought it WAS the worst Star Wars movie out of the whole lot. I did like Rogue One. I was never that into Jar Jar, but Star Wars ( as a whole) has gone tepid and has lost its steam since Disney "bought" the franchise. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
Idk if this is really an unpopular opinion or not, but just share this.

I'm glad to see the classic princesses are way more praised in Fanpop rather than anywhere else. Since join Fanpop for 2 years ago and start to active on this club, I start to like the classic princesses more. Before join Fanpop I think they're weak, boring, lame, and nothing more than princesses from childhood. But this club change my narrow-mind perspective.

After analyze more, I find the classic princesses are NOT weak or lame like most peoples are judged them. They shown their strengths and their charm. They might be not physically a strong badass like Mulan or Merida, but they're emotionally are strong. Snow White is an optimist and always trying to think positive even in bad situations. Cinderella is kind and always stay strong even after she was treated badly by her stepfamily. Aurora, though she has lack screen time in her movie, shown elegance, grace, caring, and responsibilities. They definitely can be good role models, especially for little girls.

So I'm getting confuse how anyone can hate such a sweet and kind princesses like them? Because they didn't represent the current females for generally? It was really a nonsense reason, the princesses and their films are set on 1800s, so I think their personality are represent the females in that eras.
last edited over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
*Applause* over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Frozen is technically like Titanic, Disney makes it into a family friendly version of Titanic.
KataraLover commented…
How the hell is it anything like Titanic? Just because it made A LOT of money and it was successful doesn't make it like Titanic! By that logic, A LOT of Disney movies are Titanic. It bares little to no resemblance to Titanic! over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
...explain??? over a year ago
SarahCorine commented…
Maybe one thing is that Rose started with one guy and ended with another who she really loves like Anna. Rose and Anna both basically trade in a rich boy for a poor boy. I'm just trying to find similarities but that's the only one. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
While the current trend of the "surprise villain" that Disney is doing isn't something I'm a fan of, I actually thought Bellwether from Zootopia was pretty well-done for this trope. Is she as good as THE great Disney villains like Cruella, Maleficent, Ursula, and so forth? Hell no! However, unlike the other times Disney has done the surprise villain thing, it wasn't as convincing. Hans came out of nowhere, King Candy/Turbo was already a villain and his motivation was pretty pathetic and he lacked charm, Big Hero 6's villain (So unmemorable I don't remember his name) had strong motivation with wanting to avenge his daughter but had no charm (Plus not caring that Tadashi died trying to save him and even trying to kill his students really kills it for me) and was kind of just obvious because of how much Disney has been doing this recently, and with Moana *SPOILERS* it was clever but was a little bit of a cop out and not that interesting *END OF SPOILERS*.

So why do I feel like Bellwether works? Because she was charming from beginning to end and her reasons make sense. She was tired of always being treated like she didn't matter because she was just a sheep, so she wanted to switch things around. Her abusive boss basically had her reduced to a secretary when the name of her position (Assistant Major) sounds more important that what she actually did at her job. When you look back on the movie you can tell subtle hints and really it makes sense. Plus she keeps her humorous side. Again, she's nothing great but was cool and one of the better villains of the revival era. So far the only villains of the revival era that are great to the level of being compared to the past villains are Dr. Facilier and maybe Mother Gothel. Disney really needs to go back to making villains that are villains for most of the movie like they were in the past, but Bellwether wasn't a badly done surprise villain.
MalloMar commented…
Good analysis. I saw Nostalgia Critics video on Disney villains and his thoughts on how the plot twist villains are less memorable and charismatic, whereas the obviously evil villains have more time to just be their awesomely evil selves. I do mostly agree with this, though I do like that some of the newer villains have more depth to them. over a year ago
over a year ago ajotma said…
I'm bisexual, but I'm disappointed with Disney's decision to make Le Fou allegedly "gay" in the new BatB movie. It's just described as him having a crush on Gaston and being "confused", which is really bad representation. It sucks that the first canonically LGBT character is the village idiot whose name literally means "the fool" and is the butt of every joke and basically just there to idolize Gaston. But it isn't very surprising knowing Disney's history of "queer-coding" villains.
wavesurf commented…
^They had to go do this? Sigh. Yeah. I also didn't like the fact that they made Emma Watson's Belle " the inventor," and not her father, Maurice. And they had to GO and make Belle create a dang washing machine, which the rest of her "neighbors" smash into bits "in a fit of anger." That's basically VILIFYING all of Belle's neighbors in the town at large just for a "weak plot point." Oh, and that's also to "glorify" how "perfect" Belle was already...because Disney needs to serve the Ultra-Feminists, again. ( My source for this was Entertainment Weekly. Directly from there... ) Now they're going to make LeFou gay, even though he was just Gaston's "buddy" in the original film??? Nothing else was "read" into that relationship except "they're friends/buddies!!!" Geez. That was like turning Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather into "idiots" in Maleficent. I'm sorry that this has happened, Ajotma. This is offensive. over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
yeah, it's bullshit and a a total slap in the face to howard ashman. nobody likes or cares about lefou and his relationship with gaston is incredibly toxic - why would anybody look at what they have and think, "gee, what a great template for lgbt representation"? over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
I heard about that, and I was shocked. (I don't mean that in a bad way, but still.) over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I prefer the 1991 version of Beauty and the Beast, mainly because I feel that this year's version is definitely not as good as my personal expectations and as ajotma mentioned, it portrayed the LGBT community in a negative light.
last edited over a year ago
KataraLover commented…
The new movie hasn't even came out yet! over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Ah, I don't like they want to put some lgbt issues in the movie -_- I would love the original more than the remake. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I think the hate that Jessica Rabbit gets is pretty undeserving. Yes, she obviously wouldn't be able to exist in real life, but they established that. She even says "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." She's comfortable with her sexuality but she never goes after other men like a slut because she's married to the man... or rabbit she loves. Roger is the one male character in the movie that never looked at or talked to/about Jessica like an attractive sex object but rather just the woman he loves. He loves her for the person she is on the inside and she's devoted to him for that and the fact that he makes her laugh. She's smart, kind, resourceful, would rather her husband think badly of her than to have him never make anyone laugh again (Which he loves to do), is willing to do anything for her husband, has a good heart, is confident, and brave. I'm not gonna act like she's the most interesting or developed character ever, but she does have a character outside of her sex appeal, even if it's not much. When I think of characters with nothing beyond their sex appeal I think of Hollie Would and the villainess from Foodfight, just off the top of my head. Much like with Lola Bunny, Jessica doesn't really do anything deserving of so much hate from what little is seen of her in the movie. People seem to have nothing to criticize her about other than her being ridiculously sexualized, which was the point.
UnholyNoise commented…
i think she gets more hate for her "slutty" appearance than for her personality - i think most people who have seen the movie concede that she's moral/decent character. it's stupid but unfortunately it happens a lot that a female character will get hate for being a "slut" than for being an actual bad character. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I'm seriously failed to find Jasmine's unique attributes. I can find any other Princesses' unique attributes but not her. That makes her is in my least favorite and I think she is just added to the lineup as Aladdin receive positive reviews.
wavesurf commented…
^I have much the same problem with Tiana, and somewhat with Merida. over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
i think her sassiness, snark, and fire were new or uncommon for the time but she became a template for so many later animated heroines in the 90s that people forget she was the first. over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
yeah, sparklefairy, that's kinda my point :) jasmine's attributes were unique when aladdin came out, but so many other animated women used her personality as a character mold that she doesn't really stand out for it anymore. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
With the exception of Cinderella, Disney should not make their classics into live-action.
wavesurf commented…
^I'm leaning towards agreeing with you.... over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
the lion king remake is such a bad idea over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Depends actually. Mulan, Aladdin, and The Little Mermaid seems good to be remaking, but some like The Lion King is really unnecessary. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Hmmn. Curious to see what theyll do with Mulan...But yeah, overall, I haven't been super crazy about the live action remakes. I can say they have great visuals. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
While I ADORE Belle, I honestly don't think she's anything special in the looks department. I think the only reason she's considered to be so gorgeous is because of how they Disney will only show the flattering pictures of Belle and her fans will only acknowledge her gorgeous shots when for a lot of the movie she's quite ordinary looking. She's beautiful, but not stunning or gorgeous in my opinion. She's so inconsistently drawn that it's almost like people can't agree on what her overall appearance is. To me, she looks like the picture I posted here. She's nothing extraordinary in the looks department in my opinion. Her facial structure is ordinary, her eyes are just round most of the time (Yeah, if you focus on how she looks in the ENTIRE movie, her eyes are round for most of the movie), her bangs are terrible, and is far from the great beauty she is made out to be in her movie. But that's just my opinion.
While I ADORE Belle, I honestly don't think she's anything special in the looks department. I think t
MalloMar commented…
Sort of agree. When she's drawn pretty, she's gorgeous, but it isn't too often. over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I really don't like the idea of Disney doing a live-action remake of The Little Mermaid. I'm usually open-minded to live-action remakes, within reason, and you all know that The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie but I'm not sure a live-action remake of that movie is a good idea. I mean, how are they going to have the characters sing and talk underwater? I don't think Disney (or any company) has the technology for that yet. Being able to talk and sing underwater is very important because of how Ariel loses her ability to do so when she's on land and becomes human.
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I though they can use CGI well for the tails of mermaids but not really sure with the underwater scenes. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Yeah, I can see why you'd think that. I've seen some lovely underwater scenes in movies, but I don't see how they'd be able to pull all of that off. over a year ago
SarahCorine commented…
They made a mermaid look well enough in Aquamarine so I'm pretty confident that can make them look good in the live action of the Little Mermaid. Making them look good and believable in an underwater setting is definitely going to be a challenge I'm hopeful they get right. over a year ago