Disney Princess Encouraging Words

SarahCorine posted on May 10, 2017 at 05:15PM
In light of recent events to a user here, I've decided to create this forum. It's exactly as it says it is. Here, you can vent about anything you'd like. Personal, relationship, family, friends, work. . .etc. And others can post encouraging words or advice. Anything that can help. I also want to bring attention to this horrible site called Kiwi Farms. I didn't know such a site existed until just a few days ago and I'm so sick at the purpose of this site. Listen to this. . .

In the "About us" section of Kiwi Farms, it states
"Founded as the CWCki Forums, and originally dedicated to Christian Weston Chandler, the Kiwi Farms is about eccentrics on the Internet. These people are commonly referred to as Lolcows and are fascinating for reasons distinct to each spectator. We document the phenomenon, with every member bringing different perspectives and opinions to discussion. It is this diversity which has caused our peculiar community to thrive."

According to the site, Lolcows are "Lolcows are people and groups whose eccentric or foolish behavior can be "milked" for amusement and laughs."

When I looked into removing content from this site, I came across their rules for removing content. Follow the link below to understand their reasoning.

Here's my story.
My cousin passed away in 2013. I shared my sorrow here on Fanpop and I was amazed at the response I received. So many users reached out to me to tell me how sorry they were. I know it doesn't seem like much but it really was. To this day, I still remember the kindness and I'm forever grateful. I've also been posting on the wall lately about my boyfriend's parents and how they have been bullies to us. Well that is actually getting better now. My point is Fanpop is all about fandoms. Even before I joined his site, I knew that fandoms were like little families and communities.

That's why I've decided to create this forum. Kiwi Farms is all about cyber bullies. The users on that site intentionally mock and make fun of people who have a passion for what they're fans of. On the other hand, Fanpop is all about passion. We have a passion for Disney Princesses on this page. That's why we can literally spend hours on here, analyzing The Little Mermaid, Jasmine, Mulan and Shang, Gaston. . .etc. And it's fun for us. It's stepping out of our own reality and finding these worlds and characters and music and embracing it as a reality just as real as our own because it's fun.

So the rules for this forum is just be kind. Post about your sorrow and grievances and others will post anything kind. Kind words, phrases, lyrics, bible verses. Anything to help you through. And you can come back later to post updates about what's bothering you. Is it getting better or can we help some more? I don't get on Fanpop too much anymore but I'll get on more often just to do what I can to help. I don't know if this is going to take off the way I hope it does, but if nothing else, vent to me and I'll do my best to help you through.

Listen in life, you have two choices. You can either be a Kiwi Farms person or a Fanpop person. The choice is yours.
In light of recent events to a user here, I've decided to create this forum. It's exactly as it says
last edited on Jan 24, 2018 at 05:08AM

Disney Princess 62 replies

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Showing Replies 51-62 of 62

over a year ago deedragongirl said…
So, my brother got into trouble this morning. This caller is a wrong number, I think and my brother (he's autistic, mind you all) was SO rude to him. But luckily, he (my brother) had a guilty conscience about it and please pray the caller does NOT take any legal actions on us in the near future!
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I’m trying so hard not to let the small things bother me but with my losing my cat (Yes, I’m still crying over her, grieving does not have an expiration date), working in a grocery store in the middle of the pandemic where customers with NO MASKS ON are coughing/sneezing on me, worrying I’m going to get attacked at work everyday, and everything else piling up on me it seems taking me everything I have not to break down crying every day. I wish people would just stop and think before coming after me over nothing or yelling at me because they’re not having a great day so they need someone to take it out on

I’m at a point of feeling so alone because I barely see my family anymore because of the pandemic, I don’t want to pile all this on my husband, I barely talk to my discord friends anymore, and I keep being told that everyone thinks I’m controlling and a hypocrite and other stuff even when I’m trying so hard to please everyone

I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m feeling really lost and alone and scared
mhs1025 commented…
First off, you're not controlling OR a hypocrite. You are your own person who is just like any other human being. Those people who think you are obviously have no life. If you can't go to a professional, try talking to another person you truly trust. It can be your mom, a friend you still talk to, anybody. Us included. You're right about the grieving process. It has 0 expiration date. In fact, I went through something similar during my senior year of high school. During those final couple of months, I lost my dog, Jack. Even with getting a new dog right afterwards, I still grieved. In fact, I actually got borderline suicidal. After talking to a friend at school about it, I was able to feel better about everything. If you have any free time on your hands, cry your eyes out as much as possible. Cry as much as you need to. I hope things get better for you! We're all here if you need to talk. <3 over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
It really helps finally hearing someone say I’m not those things. I’ve had people here tell me that “everyone” calls me that and even though I try really hard to ignore that I can’t help but think “but what if it they’re right? Does everyone hate me? Am I just annoying everyone?” Because it brings back memories of the abuse I went through as a kid. That mixed with everything else I’m feeling I’ve started feeling suicidal myself. I finally talked to my husband last night about it and that took so much weight off my chest. Thank you for your kind words over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
As you all know, my grandfather recently passed away. Even though I'm grieving, I'm not crying over him. Even with people telling me you can still grieve without being a mess, I still feel like I'm a bad griever. His funeral is in a couple days, and I have no idea how I'm going to survive. This is already very, very hard on my family, and just thinking about the service is starting to give me anxiety. I know he's at peace and with my grandmother again, but I still haven't come to terms with not having my paternal grandparents anymore. It's just alot for me to deal with.
BB2010 commented…
Not crying is normal for some people, it could mean you’re in shock or it hasn’t hit you yet. It happened to my husband when his mom passed away and he didn’t cry until her funeral. You’re not a bad griever. The anxiety and the way you’re feeling is normal, and if it gets to be too much something I like to do to keep me grounded is think of a song I love and sing it to myself or I think of movies or books, just anything to help distract myself. We’re here for you if you want to talk, doesn’t even have to be about the funeral or your grandfather, if you just want to talk we’re here over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
Thank you. It's good to know I'm not the only one out there who hasn't cried. I've been trying to get my mind off it by going on Hulu and such. Secondly, my heart goes out to your husband. Forgive me if that happened a while back, but I can't even imagine losing a parent so soon. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I left so abruptly I never got to say goodbye. Idk why but it feels better to just say it here

I feel like ripping my hair out, my heart has been beating so hard all night I could barely sleep, I’m shaking so hard I can barely hold my phone

I loved being here and I thought I had friends here but after what happened I’m the wall these past few days I realize I need to go. I was never that bothered by some dumb fights here but after what I said about what happened to me when people kept harassing me here, then getting attacked for deleting it and apologizing, it feels like my life isn’t worth anything to them and they’ll just keep doing it until I do something I can’t take back.

I want to thank disnerdtobe, KataraLover, mhs1025, CodyVenusTrent, sunnyfields, and everyone else who helped make the spot a great place. Please don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. If I never come back please don’t assume the worst, it’s for the best. If any of you wanna stay in touch PM me for my tumblr and discord name. I’ll get the email letting me know and I’ll message back as soon as I can :)

And as for POTM and FOTM, anyone can have it. WhiteLagoon has been doing a great job with doing the FOTM polls maybe they’ll want it :p

Good bye, and thank you again
mhs1025 commented…
We're really gonna miss you, BB2010. I'm blessed to have gotten to know you. over a year ago
WhiteLagoon13 commented…
Thank you for your time here and for giving your blessing for me to take your place with F/POTM. Hope you'll be okay <3 over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
Hey guys so I take it back unless it’s something you need to ask or talk about please please please PLEASE do not message me. The last couple times I got messages I went into full panic attack mood because my emails don’t tell me who the private messages are from. I’m able to leave a real message here right now because I’m at work with people which keeps the attacks at bay (idk why it just does)

So just really quick, I am fine, I’m looking into getting online therapy, I have my husband, animefan, and my discord friends helping me through what’s been happening

Thank you everyone for your kind messages I really appreciate the kind words and support.

Once things get better I’ll message you guys and I MIGHT come back but for right now I just can’t handle it. My husband is suggesting I stay off of fanpop completely and I agree with him. Because right now all I can think about is “if Rapunzel didn’t win that stupid countdown maybe this wouldn’t be happening”

Thank you guys again, you’re the best.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I’m so scared I don’t know what to do
I don’t know why I keep coming back when i know I’m going to get hurt
I can’t believe I thought I had friends here if something like this happened and I’m seen as “whiny” or get blamed for what happened
I hate that I keep getting attacked or blamed for something other people did
I’m just so tired
So tired
Maybe it really would be best for everyone if I wasn’t around anymore
At least I’d get to see my baby again
mhs1025 commented…
NO. DON'T EVEN GO THERE! There are loads of people who still love you. Your husband loves you, your family loves you, your real life friends love you. You were put on this Earth for a reason. Another thing is you need to go to the police. Tell them about the messages you've getting, and I guarantee you they'll do something. DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT TROLL!!! Your presence is an inspiration. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
Another thing is I know pet loss is hard, especially if you've had that pet for years on end, but even SHE would want you to continue with life. She's still with you, just in a different way. over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Danke schone! over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Hi guys. I know I said I was going to take a break from the club, but, I just saw a VERY hateful comment on my recent wallpost. Even though I'm glad this certain user's account got automatically deactivated, I'm still hurt at what I saw. It's been a rough day for me, and this blunder only made things worse. I could really use some comforting words right now.
WhiteLagoon13 commented…
Yeah, I saw the comments, that troll said awful things about multiple people... Hope you're doing better. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
Been back in this spot one day and already getting the death threats again. Considering how I’ve been active in other spots and didn’t get any more messages until I came back it’s pretty clear the threats were from someone here and I’m not gonna say who but I think I’ve got a pretty good idea who sent them.

Last month this probably would have messed me up again but after the love and support from people here, on discord, and my family this doesn’t hurt as much as it did before.

And I have a message to the user here hiding behind their fake accounts; You lost. I’m still here, I’m still alive, and I’m surrounded by so much love and care from the people in my life that you can’t hurt me anymore. I hope someday you get whatever help you need
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I almost considered leaving again a while ago because of the trolls attacking me. I didn't care about what they said to me or about me, I didn't care about their stupid hateful BB2010 usernames or comments or wall posts. I hated that they were flooding the wall with their stupid posts about how I'm a ho and "steal" ideas from other users here and basically just taking over this spot.

I almost left last week because other people were posting on the wall but those dumb trolls totally drowned them with their BB2010 hate and were commenting on my polls and just being a nuisance and I felt bad and thought that maybe if I left maybe it would stop.

I'm sorry everyone had to deal with those jerks and see the drama they kept bringing to the spot because of me just being here.
BB2010 commented…
And I want to add that I would have posted this on the wall but I'd hate to treat the wall like a "diary" as certain trolls put it over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
Hey, guys. A couple days ago, I was told about a class for volunteering at the animal shelter where I got my dog, Lady. I said I'd think about it, but I want to try equine therapy and get more experienced in horseback riding. I want so bad to follow my heart, but at the same time, I don't want to let anyone down. It's like I'm being pulled into different directions, and it's driving me crazy. I just don't know what to do. Do y'all have any advice?
BB2010 commented…
You should do what YOU think is right instead of what others expect of you. I know it's hard but you should be allowed to say no without guilt. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I've decided to leave fanpop for good because there's still stuff hanging over my head that happened on this spot early this year that makes it hard to have any fun here anymore.

Earlier this year I posted something about my favorite Disney song (the one about how a song from Frozen 2 helped me through my depression over losing my cat on christmas eve and then getting robbed on christmas) and a user went on and on about how that song was the worst song in the Frozen franchise and how Frozen 2 was full of terrible songs.

Honestly, I would have left it alone but then I remembered how a year or two before on the Rate a Character game on this spot I left a huge negative rating as a joke and I offended someone. Even though I said a couple times it was a joke I decided to delete it because when I did it I didn't realize how hurtful I was going to be

So I thought "Okay maybe I could do the same thing here, I've gotten along fine with this person what could happen"

Well this happened-
I've decided to leave fanpop for good because there's still stuff hanging over my head that happened
over a year ago BB2010 said…
Part 2. Also, no I'm not blurring out the name because a week or two after this happened this user told me to kill myself while hiding under anon so....yeah sorry not sorry. Peace out
last edited over a year ago
Part 2. Also, no I'm not blurring out the name because a week or two after this happened this user to