Disney Princess Plot Roleplay Forum- Submissions Open!

firegirl1515 posted on Jan 21, 2011 at 05:24PM
On the DP roleplay forum, 2 kinds of roleplays were suggested. This is the forum to submit an idea for the plot roleplay, where there are plots, goals, and a roleplay master that controls it. An example is here: link

Submit a plot, to this forum, and we'll eventually vote on the winner The winner gets their plot used in out roleplay, and becomes the roleplay master (unless they don't want to be master and just want their idea used).

IMPORTANT: For now, the submission limit is one per person. However, if there are under 15 submissions by the deadline, then I'll enter any doubles. Go ahead and post another idea if you want, but label which is your main one and which is your alternate submission. You cannot submit more than two in the event that there are under 15 submissions.

DEADLINE: January 26th, 2011

About Auditions (which won't happen until we have a set plot)

For the roles of princesses, we will hold auditions like the other kind of roleplay does, with a given scenario which you must react to as the character you are auditioning for. NOTE: If anyone controlling a princess or prince should drop out, new auditions will be held.

With normal characters, like girls from the real world, the roleplay master will create a form you can fill out with your character's traits. Then the roleplay master will choose the characters they feel will provide the most diverse and fun experience for everyone participating and watching. NOTE: If anyone controlling a "normal character" should ever drop out of the roleplay, they will be "killed off" (or taken out of the roleplay by any other legitimate means) and replaced by another person's character.

Be creative and have fun!
last edited on Jan 23, 2011 at 12:11AM

Disney Princess 72 replies

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over a year ago firegirl1515 said…

The portal to all Disney worlds. A world of fantasy, creation, and bliss. Or so it was. In the outskirts of this land, atop Bald Mountain, lay Disney's most horrific creation- Chernabog. This world was built to hold him, the creation of Fantasia the movie being an excuse to put this dark drawing of his away forever. Yet as the years went by, Chernabog slowly became stronger, until he was finally strong enough to block out the Sun that caused him to retreat into the fiery depth of the mountain each day. Without this curfew, he was able to summon the evils of all the Disney movies into Fantasia, the central hub of the Disney universe. Now they are in full control of it, and in danger of escaping their carefully drawn prison and leaking into the real world. To do that, they needed ten girls known to be the crown jewels of Disney, as well as the sorcerer's hat. These princesses and the hat, if all in the same place, could generate enough goodness to create a portal to our world, for Walt made it so that nothing evil could generate such a portal. Only the pure souls could do it.

The enslaved inhabitants of Fantasia could do nothing to stop the all powerful Chernabog. However, the sorcerer Yen Sid could not stand for it. He hid the hat, and with the last of the power he had without it, he called 8 warriors from the real world into his work shop. These warriors he endowed with special powers. But the villains took him away from his workshop before they arrived.

That's where the story would start, with the 8 (it could be less, I just needed a maximum number) "warriors" arriving in an empty workshop, unsure of how they came to be there. What do you think?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
^ Thats really good! I'm working on mine as we speak ;)
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
"Royal Rehab"

The Disney Princesses are role models to thousands of people worldwide. They’re perfect in their own unique way, have beautiful singing voices, amazing hair, and gorgeous clothes and jewelry, plus a charming Prince to stand by their side. Yes, everything is perfect in their world; or is it? That’s what journalist Abigail Storey always thought. She grew up with these perfect creatures to look up to. Now she is fresh out of college and working for her Fathers investigative magazine “The Reel Storey”. He had made his career by drawing back the curtains of Hollywood to reveal secrets of famous celebrities and movies. On Abby’s first day, her father pulled her aside and told her had a top secret assignment that he wanted her to handle. He gave her a folder instructing her not to open it until she got home, and then asked her if she still had all of her old Disney Princess movies. She told him yes, and racked her brain about what that had to do with anything on her drive home. When she opened the file she couldn’t believe her eyes. There were 10 mug shots in the folder; one for each Princess. All of them had been arrested for various things from obsessive hoarding to indecent exposure while protesting for PETA. They were all being held in a secret rehab facility, and it was Abby’s assignment to get in there and find more dirt. But she feels torn; should she go with her gut feeling and try to help her beloved Princesses, or do what her Father wants her to, destroying the Princesses flawless reputations in the process?

*Her last name "Storey" was my Great Grandmother's last name :)

What do you guys think?
over a year ago lepetitsouris said…
^They're both really good. I don't know how I'm going to think of something to compete :P

@Dreamygal - Aw sweet that you included great grandmother's last name in it :)
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
Thanks :) I plan on naming my first daughter "Storey Daniele" (Daniele is my middle name). I always thought it sounded pretty.
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
Dreamygal, that is so sweet of you to include that. And I love you idea for your first daughters name. I need to think of something for this RP, its hard when your not very creative.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
Wow DreamyGal, that's awesome! But who would be the characters? I mean, if only one girl is trying to decide whether to help or expose the princesses, then who does everyone else get to be? Just a thought.

And thanks for the compliment ^-^
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
"Mentors to the less Memorable"

The princesses are done with adventures, and are ready to kick back in their palaces with a prince on one side and a sidekick buddy on the other. But after awhile it's easy to tell that the royals are bored. Soon, though, each palace has an unexpected guest- an animated heroine who longs to be more popular, successful, and loved. Chel, Odette, Anastasia, Thumbelina and more show up on doorsteps, and the princesses can't turn them away. Dancing lessons, dress fittings, and quizzes on the Disney formula seem to help, but the princesses are somewhat reluctant to share their time in the spotlight.

*Here are the heroine/princess matchups I have in mind:

Jasmine/Yum-Yum (Thief and the Cobbler)
Snow White/Eilonwy
Rapunzel/Barbie Rapunzel

I know the list needs some tweaking, but for the most part it's good.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
Hmm, well we could involve the sidekicks...they could come in for group therapy...and there could be staff at the rehab that are involved...I can sort out more details if we go with this idea.
over a year ago lepetitsouris said…
Why don't we just do one RP thing? It would definitely ease up confusion, and I like this one the most. It seems much more interactive and is really 'real' roleplaying...
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
^^And if several people want to participate, we could always use more than one plot.
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
Which one, lepetitsouris?
over a year ago lepetitsouris said…
I was thinking of this one. Roleplays are usually set in a certain scenario, plus it would force all the characters to interact with each other. We could set up a pick though...
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
I'll do that.
over a year ago bubbles4u22 said…
Okay here's mine:

"Princess Switch-a-roo"

All of the Princesses were at Cinderella's castle having their annual tea party. One of the traditions of the so-called "party", everybody arguing with each other. Jasmine can't understand how Ariel can live underwater and like it. Ariel can't understand how Jasmine lives in the desert and like it. Aurora fights with Mulan because a princess is supposed to "just be pretty". Mulan disagrees and believes in feminism. Cinderella's nemesis is Belle. She doesn't understand how she could have fallen in love with a beast. Belle doesn't fight back but Cinderella won't leave her alone about it. Pocahontas, Rapunzel, Tiana and Snow White are the only sane ones. the enchantress (from Beauty and the Beast), Cinderella's fairy godmother, Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather think there needs to be a stop to this. The princesses should all get along! They cast a magical spell on the warring princesses and they were all put back in time. Belle in Cinderella's place living with her step-family; Cinderella living with belle's father; Ariel living in Agrabah; Jasmine living under the sea; Aurora in China; and Mulan in the forest with the Flora, Fauna and Merriweather. The princesses must live in the other's shoes and see life through their eyes. Will they be able to do it? Tiana, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Pocahontas will be watching their progress while in disguises such as fish, village people, soldiers, mice, and enchanted furniture.
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
^^Right now the limit is one per person, but if there are under 15 by the deadline then I'll let you put in 2.

Pick one to be your main submission, and pick one to be your alternate. I don't think we'll have 15 by the 26th, I really wish both could get in. They're really good ^-^
over a year ago bubbles4u22 said…
big smile
:O Thanks I really didn't think they were that good. Thanks haha okay. I went with the first one
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
^^Sorry, no. There does not need to be 15 submissions per person, you misread. If there are UNDER 15 submissions, I will allow each competitor to submit another if they choose to. However, there is a limit to TWO SUBMISSIONS PER PERSON.

I'm sorry, I should have clarified on that. I'll go add it to the box at the top.
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
^^Cool! Just remember to label which is main and which is alternate =D
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
Bubbles, I love yours, but do you guys think hers and mine might be too similar? Or will they be different enough because part of mine's in the real world?

Anyway, if mine doesn't win (which it won't, it's lame) I'm turning it into a fanfic. Same with DreamyGal's if I'm allowed.

over a year ago firegirl1515 said…

And they're not to similar, I didn't even notice any similarities until you pointed it out. And still there aren't really any.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
big smile
DreamyGal is fine with percyandpotter turning her story into a fanfic.

Lol...I'm still stuck on talking like that from the other day!
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
Main Idea:

New York:

Even though they all have busy schedules, the Princesses try to visit each other as often as they can, and they each take turns hosting. It was the first day of Spring, and the Princesses were beginning to arrive at Snow White's castle. As soon as they all get settled, they meet out in the garden for tea. While they are sipping their tea and chatting about everything new in their lives, they hear a strange noise, like someone crying coming from behind the rose bush. They all get up to investigate, and as soon as they walk behind the bush, BAM! They all fall down a mysterious hole! They scream and cry as they fall through the air, then before they know if they fall on the ground. They get up, completely confused as to what just happened, and they head back to the table, then they realize that they aren't in Snow White's garden anymore, they're in a park; Central Park that is. Naturally they are all freaked out by the buildings and the way people are dressed, then they hear the crying again. Over by a bridge they find a little girl. They discover that she has run away from a foster home because she had been treated badly by the family there. The Princesses rally together to help their new little friend. But living in New York City isn't cheap, so they are forced to find jobs and a place to live. Will they be able to take care of the little girl? How long will it be until the mean family finds her? How will they ever get back home?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
This is my alternate one...

And they lived happily ever after...or did they? Life after the end of the story proves to be more of a challenge than any of the Princesses could have ever imagined. Snow White is tired of the Prince pressuring her about what exactly went on when she lived with the Dwarfs. Cinderella secretly feels like she isn't good enough to be with the Prince, and is miserable not being able to just be herself. Aurora and Phillip fight all the time because all she ever does is sleep. Ariel misses being a mermaid and resents Eric for never giving anything up to be with her. Belle and the Prince were getting along fine until he started having bad mood swings and acting like a jerk again. Jasmine has major trust issues with Aladdin because of all the lies he once told her. Mulan has suspensions about Shang's sexuality. Tiana and Naveen aren't speaking because he wants to have children, but she doesn't because of all the success of her business, and future restaurant openings. Rapunzel and Flynn are at odds because she thinks he jokes too much, and isn't serious. The only one not having trouble, Pocahontas. She sees that all her beloved friends could be putting their marriages in jeopardy, and decides to step in. She comes up with an excuse for them all to be in the same place at the same time. They all meet up at Ariel and Eric's, because it's the halfway point of all their homes. As soon as she thinks all the couples are making progress, John Smith AND John Rolfe show up; the two loves of her life that she blew off. Will she force them to leave so she can continue her work, or choose to finally be with one of them? It will take all of the Princesses to straighten their lives out and to help Pocahontas in the biggest decision of her life. 
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
Alternate idea:

Vacation Disaster:

Every year all the princess's go on an annual camping trip with there families up in the mountains. They each get to bring a friend with them. When they arrive they hear rumors that there is a yetti that roams the mountains. Later on, after they get everything set up in camp and its dark and everyones in bed all 10 princcess's and there friends decide to go exploring only to find out they get lost. They are running out of food and water and some are getting sick, and injured. They are all homesick and missing there families. How will they find there way back to camp? Will they get to see there families again? Will they run into the yetti?
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
Dreaming Reality (alternate entry)

The ten princesses are living their happily ever afters, each happy with where their lives are. However, one day a dark spell is cast over them all, sleeping calmly in their beds. They were all transported to an alternate universe, a strange, senseless place with no way to get out. The worst part? All of their villains are in this dream world, and want revenge. Will the princesses find their way out? Will they figure out who did this to them? And how are the princes faring, waking up to find that their wives are nearly comatose?

NOTE: Seeing as they'll be in dreams, the princesses can use special powers, nearly anything they can imagine. However, they won't know this at first. And once they discover powers, they'll start off small and limited, growing as the princesses use them.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
Oops...well, since I changed mine already, I'll just put back my original as my second choice.

"Crazy in the Coronas"

Ten very different girls live in Corona, California. Most of them have no connection, they're very differnt. Some are new girls, some are punks, some are actresses, some are BFFs. But they will be forever linked when they all fall into comas at the same time. Meanwhile, in their respective Disney movie beginnings, all the princesses do the same. When they wake up, they're in each other's places. No one seems to question the fact that the original girls are gone, and the new ones are in place. But they do question the strange personalities of the newcomers. What will happen when Mulan karate-chops the high school gym equipment? What will happen when Roz refuses to sell her voice to Ursula?

And LAWLZ, DreamyGal. "Mulan questions Shang's sexuality"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
Haha, thanks...if anyone has any suggestions on a better problem for any of the couples, let me know!
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
percyandpotter suggests that Flynn starts stealing things again, et cetera.
over a year ago ppgbelle4 said…
I have a quick question for voting: Do we vote, and the top three or so plots are the plots that we are going to play, so that there are multiple chances for different people to be a character? Or, are we just choosing one?
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over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
^^Hmmm . . . I should make a pick about that =/

@DreamyGal: Blaze suggests that Eric not pass a law to cut down on the amount of fish that fisherman can catch per season.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
Now I am really confused lol, I thought everyone was going to be able to participate in a way? Now are we only thinking 10 people? Lol sorry, I am just wondering.
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
^^For plot roleplays, there s usually a set amount of players. Everyone would be able to participate in the other one that lepetitsouris seems to be dealing with =)
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
Ok I think I understand now.
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
DreamyGal is pleased with both suggestions.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
percyandpotter adores third person.
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
Blaze enjoys talking like Numbah 5 from the KND ^-^
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
disneyfan500 thinks its hysterical.
over a year ago lepetitsouris said…
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
percyandpotter asks lepetitsouris why lepetitsouris is confused.
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
Blaze never knew why we began talking in the third person, but just went with it.
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
disneyfan500 wiill explain. disneyfan500 opened a pick question a fews days back and found percyandpotter and dreamygal talking in third person because one of them commented on the article in third person. It was just a funny thing that happened and its been going on ever since kindof like a joke.
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…
Blaze now understands, but would've kept rolling with it anyways because it's fun ^-^
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
disneyfan500 is still going to talk in third perons just because its fun.
over a year ago percyandpotter said…
DreamyGal posted a pick question 'Will you read DreamyGal's new article?' and percyandpotter commented 'percyandpotter notices that DreamyGal talks in third person' and now everyone talks in third person.
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
That was the pick question disneyfan500 was talking about.
over a year ago DreamyGal said…
DreamyGal is laughing out loud.
over a year ago lepetitsouris said…
lepetitsouris is also laughing :D. She is confused because only several people at a time can participate in this?
over a year ago firegirl1515 said…

Yeah, normally in a roleplay with a plot there is a limited amount of members to avoid confusion. That's why we could do more than one, seeing as there are more than 10 active members that might be interested.

*hits self again*

Blaze is now back in the third person. That makes her happy ^-^
over a year ago disneyfan500 said…
disneyfan500 likes that idea.