Michael Jackson The King of pop is dead. Tribute page. For Fans to write what ever they like as a tribute..

LiilacLottiie94 posted on Jun 27, 2009 at 09:10PM
This is a page to write a message about / to Michael jackson.

i have included a video of my favorite song and dance of his, Thriller, and my message.
feel free to write what ever you like aswell.

i'm sure that, like me you will all be blaring your radios out playing all the coolest MJ songs!


I still don't think has really properly sunk in yet, that the invincible Michael Jackson, the king of pop and the greatest entertainer the world has ever seen, is dead.
My all time favorite song and dance was thriller. totally awesome.
i woke up the morning after i found out he passed away, and i said to myself, 'wow, that was one crazy dream,' and then i glanced at the paper and remembered that it wasn't a dream, and it all came flooding back.
it was just all so quick, no warning, no goodbye, i just wake up one morning with my whole family in floods of tears each gabbling at me that Michael jackson was dead.
i was stunned, and distraught.
he was the last left living of the proper entertainers, like Elvis. now there are none. everyone i know has agreed that there is no way there will ever be another person even close to being Michael jackson. he was a legend. no other word for it. he has inspired generations and will most definitely continue to.
if there is one thing i can promise you, it's that this is certainly not the end of Michael Jackson, because he has left his mark on the world, and it will stay there forever.
michael jackson rocked this world in the 20th century.
A true legend.


This forum page is for you to leave a last tribute or message to or about MJ.
last edited on Jul 31, 2009 at 09:34PM

Michael Jackson 20 replies

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over a year ago Twilight_Fan_1 said…
That is soo true, He WAS a legend!
over a year ago lucaslover528 said…
Michael Jackson, you will missed for ever and ever. You have gone to a better place now where others actually respect you and your talent. You brought something to the world that cannot be lived without: music. And I don't think our lives will truly be the same again without you. Although you are gone, I know you will somehow live on in the form of music. God bless you Michael Jackson. Your legacy will live on until the end of time. King of Pop, Rest In Peace
over a year ago jennifer_02 said…
Michael Jackson, you are the only one of your kind i respect you soo much and all of your music is an inspiration to soo many including me "man in the mirror" is a masterpiece to me! the lyrics speak to us all i cry everytime i hear it . i wish i got to see you in concert but it was just not to be . it only properly sunk into me today and it really hit me big time cying soo hard but i am sure all of us are we all love you. i hope your kids are ok and you will be missed soo much forever,you are one of a kind,we will miss you forever.god bless you.rest in peace-Jennifer xx
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Clarise said…
lost part of me//////
over a year ago ruddies said…
you will be missed
over a year ago Mallory101 said…
Rest in Paradise the King of Pop
Michael Jackson 4 ever
God Bless!
over a year ago tiddles said…
we will love you forever and will never forget you. everyone thought you were evil hated the world abused children but its all LIES he wrote a song just about the mess our world is in the earth song!
over a year ago gosselinfan626 said…
RIP Michael. You were truly an inspiration to me and you will be remembered forever. I wish you were here today but I know that you are moonwalking in heaven. This video brings tears to my eyes. RIP KING OF POP
over a year ago Jezu said…
love you always MJ ;( xxxxxxxxxxx
over a year ago jules08 said…
I loved Michael Jackson and his music. I didn't realize just how much till his passing. I miss him. It is beautiful to see the outpouring of love from his fans. He did good work here. Love to his family and children. Rest in Peace Michael
over a year ago LiilacLottiie94 said…
Thanks to everyone for all your tributes coming straight from the heart here on the forum page i created.
i believe that when the living think to the dead, the dead can hear their thoughts, so i bet Michael has read every one of your comments.
god bless MJ. don't know how he coped with all the false rumours and all his fans turning against him except the truest ones. i'm still rockin out to my fave song, thriller, & learning all the dance moves from the vid. and who better to have as a virtual dance tutor than Michael??
RIP and god bless.
thanks again to everyone who tributed here on my forum page.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago augmen said…
Everlasting (Michael Jackson tribute) by Augustina Mensa-Kwao
How can one touch so many?
Like a rushing wind, sweeping through heavy hearts
Continually beating to the rhythm of his music
Motivating in his songs, dance, and perpetual love
Passion & Compassion
How can one inspire the world?
Unify every brother, sister, mother, father, and child
Every color, shape, and size
Man & Female; Eternally
Emotions run deep, stirring our souls
Painting the mural of life
What an amazing one!
Creativity cannot describe
And WE as a people, together, will everlastingly move to his beat
That beat that, will forever be OURS,
So Thank You, for blessing US with all of you…
over a year ago babybell said…
Michael Jackson, you truly were the greatest entertainer ever, you touched so many while your time on this earth was too short. I'd like to think it's because you are far too good and innocent and wonderful, giving and kind for this earth, because it is a horrible, mean and unforgiving place that you spent your life trying to correct. IT treated you unjustly - it ridiculed when it should have praised, it persecuted when it should have loved, and it accused when one of God's purest children was so perfect for the world he lived in. I wish i could believe in God - if only because no man i have ever heard about has ever deserved a place in heaven more than Michael J. Jackson. Your music gave pleasure, sadness and every emotion conceivable to millions, your dancing made the same amount stare in awe, and you humanitarian work made us wonder how one man could be so giving. You had many faces, all of which in their different ways beautiful, and your personality was eccentric to say the least, and you life one of the hardest and most controversial ever lived on this earth, and your work certainly the greatest, Rest in Peace Michael Jackson, the entertainer, the father, the giver, the man - we did not deserve talent like yours, let's just hope we can always appreciate it for generations to come.
over a year ago chameron4eva said…
I was watching his memorial service and it was beautiful.

God, I started to cry when I heard his daughter, Paris Jackson talk and break down.

Michael Jackson... LONG LIVE THE KING.....

over a year ago Aerohead said…
I can't possible describe the impact you have left in this world Michael. Your music has not only inspired but helped people through rough times. It seems that ever since you started singing you knew the right things to say. To make people happy. To let people know they are loved.
And we know you will always be here with us. We will listen to your music in the years to come. Michael Jackson will always be the king of pop.
Thanks for showing us that their are such sweet and peaceful people in this world. Even if they wrote horrible gossip you never let it phase you. You were always positive.
And though your body is not with us your soul always will be.
I know you are smiling down at your fans. And I know you want us to feel good when we think of you.
So we will shead our last tears for you soon and think of how lucky we are to have lived when you were around. When a legend was around.
God bless you Michael. We really love you.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Duncan-superfan said…
MJ I will mis you. You were and are a awsome weirdo who thought you were Peter pan. Your moon walk was the best! 2nd the Thriller dnce but the moon walk was the best! I luved your songs Black or White(weird ending but good song), Thriller, Smooth Criminal,and Beat it. Your music vids were interesting and I luved the "Werecat" in Thriller It reminded me of my cat Smokey! RIP MJ

I'll miss ya Dude!,Duncan-superfan
over a year ago gogirl91 said…
Michael Joseph Jackson was 'the greatest entertainer to ever live.' The King of Pop was not enough for him. Rev Al Sharpton said it best . . . "There was nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it." Prince Michael, Paris, and Blanket needed to hear that. Michael, we love you. You will forever live in our hearts. Thank you for showing the world how to come together and love one another! You may now rest in heaven with your angel wings looking down on us!

last edited over a year ago
Michael Joseph Jackson was 'the greatest entertainer to ever live.' The King of Pop was not enough fo
over a year ago TheAbyss said…
Michael Jackson is DEAD. Now what?

over a year ago mariafan said…
big talent! we will never forget you!
over a year ago MJJ1997 said…
actually too sweet to kill a bug..
