My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Detective Private Eye and Ren: The Stolen Ambers Case

Windwakerguy430 posted on Apr 28, 2014 at 08:38PM
On the night of April 18th, at 12:30 in the Equestria National History Museum, a security guard pony by the name of Night Watch was strolling around the museum, when, all of a sudden, he heard a crash near the Anciant Jewels section. Night Watch walked in, but saw only a broken case and a small green leaf-shaped jewel on the ground. Night Watch was about to oick up the jewel, when somepony snuck up behind him and struck him in the neck with a sharp object. The criminal took the sharp object out and soon, Night Watch was bleeding all over himself, whatever blood was left, that is. Once Night Watch bled to death, the killer took the jewel and ran out

Rules for this RP
Rule 1: This is set round the time of 1905. Only inventions from that time are allowed
Rule 2: Sadly, there are a limited amounts of roles. Here they are
Police Cheif: Main character
Friend of Ren: Main character
Witness 1 and friend to Private Eye: Main character
Killer (Is not revealed till end): Side character
Witness 2: Side character
Rule 3: You can only have the one role, unless there are not enough people to join, in which case, you are allowed another role.
Rule 4: Have lots of fun :)

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 62 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 62

over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
This here is Private Eye
This here is Private Eye
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Woot! Coming in with Ren!
(The gray pony)
Woot! Coming in with Ren! 
(The gray pony)
over a year ago SkyheartPegasus said…
May I be a witness :D
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Sure over a year ago
SkyheartPegasus commented…
Yaay lol lemme check my OCs... hmm, I'll use Sparkleshine, she's probably gonna be a grown filly by this time. over a year ago
over a year ago SkyheartPegasus said…
Name: Sparkleshine
Gender: Filly (tween filly)
Age: 13
Talent: Magic
Personality: Kind, honest, mystical
Let's just say she was walking around the streets near the museum..
Oopsies I forgot to change the tail.. oh well X3
Note: Her manestyle now is different after many years of spell-casting.
Name: Sparkleshine
Gender: Filly (tween filly)
Age: 13
Talent: Magic
Personality: Kind, honest, m
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: And, here it is everyone, the so called stolen Engagment Ring. It was never stolen, but it was just lost near the trolly station. There is no proof that Ms. Rose Bush stole the ring for herself. As the finger print analysis said, it only has the ring of Mr. SunFlower, who, had it on him when he lost it
Police Pony 1: Damn... Private Eye's good. I guess we'd better let Rose Bush go, huh
Police Pony 2: Yeah... And Private Eye... Man, I don't think there's a better Detective in all of Great Boltian... No, all of Equestria (Yeah, it takes place in a pony version of Great Britian)
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
*Walking into the room* Ren: Oh don't flatter him, it'll go to his head and he'll think he can solve any case!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: Oh, please. A detective alone can not solve a case. As long as there is vital evidence and scientific facts, then there is hope for a case to be truely solved, Miss
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: You make it sound so simple, there's still dealing with suspects, paperwork and the fact there could be someone trying to shut you up. And the name's Ren, miss sounds to formal.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: My apologies Ren, and yes, you are indeed right. Though, there has yet to be a criminal that has escaped the hoof of justice. Now, I must head back to my office. I have to make sure there isn't a cliant waiting for me (Strolls out door)
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: He'll learn.. *shaking her head* Now about that paperwork.. *walking out of the room*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: (Walks into his office) (sits at desk) (Phone rings) Hello... Cheif, how are you... What's that... A murder... Sir, I've never done a murder investigation before... Well, I guess there is a first time for everything... Okay, I'll be there as soon as-... Wait, what do you mean partner
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
*Rummaging through her desk* Ren: Where did I put that contact.. I can't take another night of that horrid cooking..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: SO you wish for me to wait fo rmy partner outside the museum... Very well, cheif, if you insist... Yes, I'll be there as soon as I can (Hangs up) So much for a relaxing evening (Walks out)
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
*The phone rings and Ren picks it up and slams it down* Ren: Not at this time, my stomach is first... Ugh! *she slammed a drawer closed* Forget it, finding it myself. *walking out of her office*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: (reaches museum entrance) A partner, huh. I have no clue how that will go. I just hope the same thing dosen't happen like it did with him... But, who could my partner be
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: This is not the Cadave cafè! *looking up at the museum's sign* Where am I?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: (Taps hoof impatiantly) Where is that partner pony. He or she takes quite a long time to solve a crime (Looks over) Huh, Ren (In thought) An expert detective... No, she can't be my partner, she is almost as experienced, if not more, then I am. What reason would she have to be my partner. Its silly
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: Hey big ego! What are you doing here? *waving him down*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: (In thought) am I really an egomaniac (Speaking) i am waiting fo rmy new partner. He or she should be here any moment now. I take it your here for the murder case too
over a year ago AwakenShadow said…
(what roles are still open?)
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Well, there's th epolice cheif, friend of Ren, witness 1 who is a friend to Private Eye, and killer over a year ago
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: More like I can't stand anymore home cooking, though I got lost looking for the cafè. But wants some help since your partners late?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye. Very well. I take it the police chief is inside waiting for me and my partner. I guess he'll have to settle with my partner being late
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: Haha! First day on the case and he makes a fool of himself! Let's head in!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: I must warn you, Ren. The police cheif has a tendancy to be quite... loud
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: And I have something that could bite his head off, he's the one who should be worried.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: Just, be catious (In thought) And the last thing you want to do is irratate the cheif
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: That makes me want to burst in, but let's go! *pushing the door open*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: Deaf, probably, but good. Good to see you again, I suppose, Officer Hand Cuff
(This here is Officer Hand Cuff)
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: Is he always like that? It's hiliarous!
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Hand Cuff: Oh, good, Ren. I'm glad you made it on time. I'm sure you and Private Eye are already well aquainted
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: On time? Wait.. Oh! That's what that phone call was about! Haha! Didn't even answer it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Hand Cuff: (Sigh) Well, I'm sure you two will get along just fine
Private Eye: What do you mean
Hand Cuff: Well, it was recommended that you both work together for the remainder of your time in the law office
Private Eye: What. Are you saying that Ren is my partner
Hand Cuff: Of course
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: Any fighting skills?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Hand Cuff: Eh? Oh, no thank you, I had big breakfest. Anyway, follow me to the crime scene (Walks off)
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
*Facehoof* Ren: Whatever! Let's get started. *follows after the cheif*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Hand Cuff: (Stops outside Ancient Jewel section) Okay, the crime scene is in there. I ain't going in, the sight is much to freaky for me
Private eye: (Whispers to Ren) I forgot, he is also necrophobic
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: Perfectly fine with me! *trotting into the crime scene*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: Well, you don't see crime scenes like that anymore (Dead body on the floor surrounded by a large puddle of blood with blood coming from the neck of the body)
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
*Circling the body* Ren: No flies, the body is quite fresh.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: Hand Cuff
Hand Cuff: (From other room) Yes
Private Eye: Were there any witnesses
Hand Cuff: No, none that are known. Though, there may be some evidence lying around
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: There has to be some hoof prints if there was somepony else in the room with him..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: Your right. And it does look like there was a struggle here. Maybe the killer may have dropped something around here
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: We should check for DNA on his hooves, he might have tried to fight back.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: That sounds like a good- Hay, look at this... Is it... a note?
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: Well, what does it say?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Dear whoever it may concern, Stay away from me and my plan. The Ambers of life are mine and mine only. I will take them and I will be full once more. signed, Vernal" ...Vernal... Odd nickname for a killer
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: What is the Ambers of Life?
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private Eye: No clue, but we'll have to find out sooner or later. This note is important evidence, nonetheless
over a year ago RissyRoWho said…
Ren: If you don't mind, that item is really bothering me.. I need to make a phone call.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Private eye: Very well, I'm sure there is a telephone in this museum somewhere (Remember, 1905. No Cellphones were invented yet) I'll stay here and try to find more evidence