NCIS ^, >, v Game

Blue85 posted on Aug 08, 2009 at 06:10AM
I've done this on other forums that I've been apart of so I thought I would try it on here. All you need to know is:

^ Answers the question.
< Tell what you're doing.
v Ask a new question.

V Who is your favorite couple on the show?

^ Tony and Ziva.
< Reading fanfiction and listening to music.
v Will you be watching NCIS:LA when it comes on?

The next person would answer that question, tell what they're doing and then ask a new question, and it would keep going from there.

NOTE:The questions do not have to be about NCIS. Ask whatever you want.
last edited on Apr 02, 2011 at 06:43PM

NCIS 7556 replies

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over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ I have noticed that, its sounding a tad more American than usual. Probably cause she's been in the country so long she's picking up the accent!
< Getting ready to go out.
v Do you ever get the urge to read McGee's book/books that he's written about the team??(I know i do lol!!)
over a year ago superbia said…
I could've see McGee to leave, than Ducky. Ducky is cute and fun, episodes is boring without him. McGee is okay, I think we can even find a better actor. That I dont mean McGee sucks, hes really nice. Exciting to look at him.

^ Yes, ofc ^^
< At work, going to have meeting soon.
v Do you even like Director Leon Vance? Ofc I don't! At least I don't still have seen season 6&7, only 5episodes at season 6. Ofc I live in Norway
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ I didn't at first, but he's really starting to grow on me. I have to admit that he does help keep things interesting.
< Going to bed.
v We know that Gibbs got his idea for the rules from Shannon. Do you think he got the idea for headslaps from her as well?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Lol, I think that may have been something he picked up from Mike Franks. Loved the clip you see of Gibbs as a probie struggling with all the bags!
< Just back from the school run.
v Who in your opinion has more funny moments??
over a year ago superbia said…
^ That's hard, not easy to pick. I even think it must be Tony, nothing is more fun than that things between him and Gibbs. Like father&son.
< Working hard at work, graphic design ^^
v Season 1-7, that which one of them is your favorite? Explain please.
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Its hard to pick but i'd have to say its between season 6 and what we've seen of season 7. I think its because they seem more solid as a team, they've been seperated, lost people close to them and learned a lot about each other. And these 2 seasons are major in drama and magical moments!!
< having a coffee
v Agent you most look up to??
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Ziva or Gibbs. They both have been through so much in their lives and are still amazing people & agents. =]
< Working.
v If you could shadow one person on the show for a day who would it be & what would you like to see them do?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Either Ziva or Gibbs. I'd like to see Ziva kick ass and I'd like to see Gibbs move a boat out of the basement. :D
< Reading fanfics.
v Why do you think Gibbs builds his boats in his basement instead of at a marina?
over a year ago superbia said…
^ He wants to have a private life, in a peaceful place. Also his basement. Long away from the world, life at his old memories around his wife and his daughter. That I'm just guessing (=
< Playing at illustrator
v Post your favorite NCIS wallpaper
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I can't possibly choose a favorite. And b/c I'm at work I don't have alot of NCIS stuff stashed away in my folders... okay I have quite a bit, but mostly icons. Here's the wallpaper I currently I have on my work computer. *PS- I had to resize this b/c it wouldn't upload.*
< Working.
v How many NCIS photos do you have on your computer/laptop?
^ I can't possibly choose a favorite. And b/c I'm at work I don't have alot of NCIS stuff stashed awa
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I couldn't even begin to count, I probably lose count!
< Listening to music.
v Who do you think is/was the best director of NCIS?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I'm going to go with Jenny. Tom Morrow seemed like a great director but he didn't stick around.
< Same as before.
v When Vance disbanded the team how long did you think it would be before they were reunited?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ I didn't think they would have gotten back together as soon as they did. I thought it would have taken a big loner.
< Multitasking.
v Who has been your favorite guest star so far?
over a year ago superbia said…
^ Oh, thats hard! Twilight and Judgment Day is very sadly, but Hiatus is more dramatic.
< Is sleeping. sleep at work soon? d=
v Who is the most boring maincharacter?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Vance is but he's getting better, slowly!!
< Housework
v If you've seen the Jetlag link, what do you think of the bit where Gibbs pushes McGee out of the way of a car and gets hit himself??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ I actually took such an intake of breath, I started coughing! I hope he's okay!
< Listening to music.
v Do you think that the majority of Jetlag will be on the plane, now we've seen the preview?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Probably not, i think they've just released the plane promo to annoy us Tiva fans cause we want to see the Paris stuff!!
< Getting ready to go out!
v Do you think its good that the lawyer is coming back??
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
I'd never thought of that, Joyce! You calmed my nerves xD

^ I don't really like her, but she's a good character to keep the team on their toes!
< Listening to music.
v Do you think they will talk about the "I couldn't live without you" in Jetlag?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ No, the spoiler says in Masquerade they will talk a bit about what happened... but I'm not sure they talk about that statement anytime soon.
< My mind is still reeling from those Jetlag article. Gah!
v In the article there was a small part that says in an upcoming episode Gibbs will be hurt, how do you feel about that?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ he will be risking his life so it would make him a hero so it dosent make it sound so bad (well i hope anyway gibbs cant get too injured....again)
< nothing lol
v do you laugh (like me) everytime gibbs calls McGee elf-lord
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ lol.. yeah it cracks me up!
< Watching NCIS <3
v How do you feel about all these skipped weeks we've been having since December?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ It's been really annoying and I hope that it doesn't become a regular thing this season.
< Making icons and wallpapers.
v Do you watch animated films and if so, which one is your favorite?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I'm not much of a movie watcher period. If I do watch a movie it's usually romance and/or comedy.
< Working.
v Who is the mysterious red head in the silver convertible, well who do you think it is? (I don't think we've ever found out)
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Yes i do, don't have a choice having 2 kids!! My fav has to be The Shrek films they're funny!!
< Doing housewor.
v Which of the previous storylines do you hope they continue in the season finale??
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
**Seems we answered at the same time, so I will answer Ziva_rocks question & re-ask mine*

^ Something with the Bell & M Allison Hart (lawyer). Don't know exactly what I want to happen... but I think that will be the storyline they follow for the finale.
< Working
v Who is the mysterious red head in the silver convertible, well who do you think it is? (I don't think we've ever found out)
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ I think she may be just a friend (with benifits lol) He does seem to like her, he always smiles when she's picking him up! And she has appeared in a few eps. Can't be serious or she'd appear more.
< About to do the school run!
v Do you think Gibbs and Hollis Mann Suited each other??
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I suppose somewhat. Although I didn't feel that they had really good chemistry.
< Working
v How do you feel about M Allison Hart? Good vibes or bad vibes?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ very bad vibes, especially when we found she is in league with Bell
< watching criminal minds
v what are your expectations for next weeks episode?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Loads of Tiva (Any Tiva is great!) Dreading seeing Gibbs get hurt! Intrested to see how the flights gonna go, the clip didn't give much away, but it'll be a good ep, they all are!!!
< Just had dinner.
v Do you like episodes where the team are split up?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I like an episode or 2 thrown in every once in awhile that shows the team split up/apart because it's times like that where you can see the true feelings of Tiva even more, and see how close the team truly is. But they have to be few & far between.
< Still working
v In episode 14, Masquerade we are going get some insight into Ziva's time in Somalia. What do you think will bring this up and do you think it will be a team discussion or 1:1?
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ i couldnt think what would bring it up i'd like it to be a team discussion but i doubt it will be
< litening to music
v do you think Tony and McGees' friendship became stronger during the search for Ziva, especially in Somalia
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Absolutely. No doubt about it.
< Home... sort of in an arguement with a friend... =[ She can be so selfish & it's really hurting my feelings.
v Which one of Abby's "boyfriends" did you like best (besides McGee)?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ I only remember one and I didn't like him.
< The same thing I do every night, Pinky, try to take over the world!
v Would you like to see more Ducky related episodes?
over a year ago superbia said…
^ ofc, I do! Ducky is nice. My favorite char (=
< At work
v Do you like NCIS LA? I hate this television program, even a boring program. NCIS is best.
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ I did enjoy the NCIS eps Legend pt1/pt2 but i only ever managed to watch 1 ep of the actual LA series! I have to say i felt a bit of a traitor watching it lol!! It doesn't have the magic of NCIS!!
< Just home from the school run.
v If you could pick a storyline for NCIS what would it be??
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I'm not going to go around messing with their storylines b/c they are doing just wonderful on their own! =]
< Working for half a day then traveling to see my family in another state.
v For those that watch Bones.... I don't watch it, but last night caught a few moments here & there. I've always heard Booth & Brennan are like Tiva, so I watched out for it last night... they are quite like Tiva (although the banter between them isn't nearly as good!) And I feel like they've gotten further b/c they hug, walk arm in arm, etc. How do you feel their relationship is the same or different than Tiva? **PS - I freaked out when they used the word Hinky... how dare they?!**
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Booth and Brennan are a lot less frustrating than Tiva, and they have fewer issues between them. Even so, both couples have their moments of utter denial!
< Relaxing
v If you could get one mystery cleared up, which would you choose? (Maybe not what is best for the show, but what you really want to know)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ How Gibbs gets that darn boat out of his basement!! Dieing to know! OooOoO... or what Tony & Ziva really did when he visited her once a week!!
< Doing my mommy's taxes
v Do you still get oober excited over past episodes (ie: from Season 1-5)? (I'm leaving 6 out since it's the most recent, besides what we're in the middle of.)
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Some of them I do.
< Making icons and watching vids.
v What would you think if in the upcoming episode "Masquerade", we got to see the team dress up in costumes and masks? I know it's not likely to happen but I thought I'd ask anyway.
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ I think it would be freaky considering Goodgirlmikey has a Fanfic of the same title on here! I read it a few weeks ago then found out about the 14th ep title. The writers must read these sites, infact i hope they do!!
< Just out of bed.
v Which character do you think has led a more tragic life?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ I think it's a tie between Gibbs and Ziva.
< Uploading icons.
v Do you make your NCIS icons or do you get them from somewhere else?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
^ Make them, only started to recently! Didn't know how to till a few weeks ago lol!!
< Doing Ironing!
v Do you watch any other projects by any of the NCIS actors or actresses??
over a year ago worthy1990 said…
^ no i didnt but i wish i did becuase they are alll brilliant
< watchin original Beethoven movie (good times)
v how would you feel if there was another writers strike?

**btw Loving your icon Lauren
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I think I would go insane!
< Listening to the Glee soundtrack :)
v It's been said that Ziva will talk a little about happened in Somalia? What do you think did happen?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Bad stuff, torture of some sort. Makes me sad to think about it.
< Getting ready to go to lunch & do some shopping later for my friends baby shower.
v One of the spoilers we've heard is that Gibbs will get hurt in a future episode, how badly do you think he gets hurt? (ie: hospital, scratches?, etc?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
*Thanks, Joe. :)

^ Not too bad. I don't think he'll go to the hospital, but will have Ducky look him over just to be on the safe side.
< Listening to music.
v Do you think anyone will get killed off this season? It seems like it happens every year.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
^ I hope not, not the main cast anyway! I hope its a bad guy if someone does die!!
< Having a coffee!
v Ziva was TORTURED do you think she'll have scars and stuff all over her body??
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Sadly, yes. And I think that some of them will stand out more than others.
< Getting ready to eat breakfast.
v What do you think Tony would have done if Ziva and Jeanne had gotten into a fight?
over a year ago ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ Maybe watched for a minute lol, he obviousy loves a chick fight but Jeanne would get her ass kicked so he'd have to split it up!!
< Eating breakfast
v Do you think if Damon Werth comes back Tony would be pushed into telling Ziva how he feels??
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ I don't know. I mean, he came back before and he never said anything.
< About to go to sleep.
V Didn't you think it was cute how Tony was completely oblivious to Mini Tony, but Gibbs spotted Mini Gibbs as soon as he laid eyes on him? [It makes me smile.]