Pixiehollow.com Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Would you try to be nice to Vidia? 8 months ago by harm123
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** 8 months ago by harm123
a comment was made to the poll: Are you a member in pixie hollow? 8 months ago by harm123
a comment was made to the poll: Which fairy is the prettiest? over a year ago by sunnyfields
a comment was made to the poll: Which of these do you love best? over a year ago by sunnyfields
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favorite fairy? over a year ago by sunnyfields
an icon was added: Best disney fairies pinkbloom over a year ago by pinkbloom
a poll was added: Who is your favorite fairy? over a year ago by aquaadora
an article was added: Pixiehollow.com: SHUT DOWN FOR GOOD?! over a year ago by tinkerbell66799
an answer was added to this question: Hi!im a member of pixie hollow.Any tips for having the best home? over a year ago by xXMisty99Xx
a comment was made to the poll: In what movie do you think Tinkerbell is the prettiest? over a year ago by Aquamist
a comment was made to the poll: Where is Pixie Hollow located? over a year ago by Aquamist
a comment was made to the poll: What talent would you wanna be if you were a fairy? over a year ago by Aquamist
a comment was made to the poll: Would you be like Vidia if you were a fairy? over a year ago by Aquamist
a comment was made to the poll: What do you think about the pixie Diamonds System? over a year ago by Aquamist
an answer was added to this question: Hi!im a member of pixie hollow.Any tips for having the best home? over a year ago by Aquamist
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What is the name of the meanest and fastest fast-flying fairy in Pixie Hollow? over a year ago by Aquamist
a pop quiz question was added: Where was this outfit found? over a year ago by tinkerbell66799
a pop quiz question was added: Where can you find this outfit? over a year ago by tinkerbell66799
a poll was added: Which of these do you love best? over a year ago by tinkerbell66799
a pop quiz question was added: Which of these shops can you ONLY USE PIXIE DIAMONDS? over a year ago by tinkerbell66799
a poll was added: What do you think about the pixie Diamonds System? over a year ago by tinkerbell66799
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favorite fairy? over a year ago by mollytinks1fan
a poll was added: do you think terrance and thinkerbell would go great togeter over a year ago by mitty265
a question was added: Hi!im a member of pixie hollow.Any tips for having the best home? over a year ago by Kari4ever
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think about the membership over a year ago by Hermione-Fan361
a comment was made to the article: Pixiehollow.com over a year ago by kingdomheartsmm