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Ok i got this from the CBS site so all thanks should go to them! Not sure where it started or where they got the info but had to share it with you all. Its a lot of reading but its GREAT reading if you want Tiva endgame!!


Before I start, I just have to say again that the remarks that MW has made and that have been reported on over the last two or three days has just been remarkable. Even if he is saying them with tongue planted firmly in his cheek --and remember, this is MW we are talking about -- I really have to say that for him to even discuss the subject in something that comes across as, if not positive, then pretty fair and even handed and without any obvious jokes -- it's stunning. And his remarks in TV Guide are just amazing because for him to gush about this episode and this scene with Cote -- when he does this, when he is like this, he isn't acting or promoting or whatever -- he means it. This rivals the things he said about his scenes with RJW. Which tells me these scenes with Cote may end up being among the best of his time here on NCIS, maybe the best of his career to date. And when you stop to consider that, boy -- that's a mouthful! Yes, it is!


So, just what are we looking at here? Is this related to a crime scene?Or is this personal? Or do the two somehow get mixed?


Andie, I really do want to thank you because you have made my job easier -- you have done a splendid job of raising the possible case related scenarios that may be involved. I thinki t would be very interesting to tie not just any old case from his days with the BPD but the one that brought him into contact with Gibbs and NCIS -- his "origin" episode so to speak. It would be a wonderful way of connecting his past to his present and his future {three guesses who the future is!}. I won't rule it out, especially if it is the Tuesday of January 25th-- I'm not sure, but that might actually be the opening of the February Sweeps, so that would be a heck of a way to start them off. I also think that the possibility of it being the anniversary of his mom's death is a good one. In all of the cases that andie gave, Ziva is there for him and, if you go by what MW says, whatever she says and whatever Tony says in response is going to bring these two closer together whether they want it or not.


Okay, andie covered the case related possibilities pretty well. What if it isn't that? What could possibly be non-case related that could make Tony so serious?


There are a number of scenarios that come to my mind, but in the end, they get boiled down into the basic one, the one that Teresa was talking about last night with all of the "prophet'' talk -- for newcomers to the thread, it basically goes like this: just as it took "ToC" and the situation in it to get Tony to even admit the nature of his feelings for Ziva, so it will take something to get him off his behind and go after her. My guess is that some guy, at some point, is going to take a shine to her. At first Ziva will ignore him or not take him seriously because there really is only one guy for her as far as she is concerned and that is the Junior Mr. DiNozzo, the sequel who is a very good person indeed. But between Tony being jealous and the guy having Tony's charm without his fear of commitment, Ziva might begin to find herself attracted to the guy, at least a little, maybe in spite of herself. And seeing that, or maybe just imagining that, could force him to do something that would be painful for him -- to tell Ziva how he really feels. And that might cause him to lose his humor. Because, let's face it, like he said, he can't live without her. But can he live with her without screwing it all up? In all honesty, that really is about where Tony is at right now with Ziva; he can't stand the thought of anybody else with her, but he's petrified that if he makes a move, he'll do something dumb that will blow his chances and ruin what he already has with Ziva. Picture Billy Crystal in "When Harry Met Sally" and you'll get an idea of where Tony is coming from.


it is possible that Ziva's mysterious Miami friend turns up in the "Enemies" two parter, that he is the former NCIS agent who is close to Gibbs in age, and who has a first name that begins with "R". He seems closer to Gibbs in age than to Tony, and while Ziva finds some older men attractive, I'm not sure that would be the case with this guy, certainly not an attraction in the romantic sense. Indeed, whoever the mystery man from Miami is, she has already told him to "not go there." This guy would probably respect it, but if it is somebody else, I am not so sure that would be the case. If it is somebody else,I can see her bringing him to the office Christmas party and Tony immediately picking up on the fact that the guy wants more than friendship and not being at all happy about it. Tony already is paranoid about the guy and if he is very good looking, then Tony is going to be even more putout. Especially if he suddenly feels that Ziva has made a decision and he has let his opportunity slip by him forever.


Now, ifit turns out the agent we see in the two-parter isn't Ziva's friend from Miami and we meet him in the last episode for 2010, and this episode MW was talking about comes out at the end of January, I am sorry, but unless this guy is being played by George Clooney, I just don't see him possessing the charm to wind Ziva over in such a short period of time. I do see her spending some time with him, driving Tony nuts, to the point that he simply has no more humor in him at all, and it has a terrible effect on him, to the point Ziva finally asks him what's going on and he tells her. To which point she tells him he is crazy, that she is not interested in him, that he is a friend, but that at the same time he {Tony} is also a friend,so why should it matter so much to him? Ball back in Tony's court. So, at this point Tony decides now is the time to put his cards on the table. Could it be a romantic moment? Mmmmm....maybe. Could it be a painful moment? Absolutely -- this is Tony, remember? Could it serve to bring them closer together? Yes. The way this season has been unfolding, I would say that it is probably a given.


At some point, I am firmly convinced that this scenario will play out. It may yet play out before the end of the season. Nevertheless, I don't believe that this is that moment. Maybe I am wrong, but I just don't see that being what happens here. A jealous Tony might be sulky, but not sullen. Based on what is being said by MW, whatever happens is personal yes, but might very well be driven by whatever case they are working on. Frankly, for Tony to be so sullen, without a trace of humor -- I just can't see that being how he would react to the possibility of Ziva falling for "Miami Mystery Man". So whatever it is, it would seem to either be a case from his past that has terrible ramifications for him in the here and now. Or a case that they are working on right now that is so bad it either brings up past memories or is just too much for him to take, for whatever reason.


The thing we should be focusing on is this: Ziva is there for Tony.And it sounds as though she is going to go and help him because she can see that he needs it. She saw he wasquite worried about his dad early on and feeling guilty about alot of things said and not said when he left to find him. She wanted to go right then, but she waited for the signal from Gibbs and he gave it. Like many of you said, he didn't do it because of the case, but because Tony needed emotional support at that point and Gibbs knew Ziva was the one who could do it, that she would have his back in that situation. To me, based on what MW has said, Ziva is going to go of her own free will. And it is going to lead to a moment between these two, a moment that might very well be the final prelude to the sealing of the deal -- the moment where the two realize that there is a deal to be sealed and admit it -- wouldn't surprise me if Paris come up in this scenario -- but don't act on it. Yet. For now.


Let's not be scared by what MW has said in this article and in others; it doesn't have to mean that Cote is going to leave or that the show is going to end this season. It just means that there is going to be a moment that brings these two even closer than they have been -- and that is saying a lot based on what has been going down so far this season! I harken back to what I said earlier this evening: this truly is SB's "evolution" that he was talking about last year. Tony and Ziva's relationship is truly evolving before our very eyes. It is headed to the next level. What is that next level is -- well, we'll have to tune in and watch and see for ourselves. It certainly is making for some interesting moments in between and all around the crime solving.
posted by TivaParaSiempre
Four years ago Jeanne gives him a choice and it’s a tough one.

“You have to choose”.

He chooses the team and his job over her.

Two years later, Ziva never asks him to make a choice but it doesn’t matter.

He chooses to put her before his own life and career.

"Your risked your entire career and for what?"
"For you."

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Source: http://tali-istherewithyou.tumblr.com
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Credit: Catharyn Armour
tony dinozzo
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tony dinozzo
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tony dinozzo
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Credit: HellCameHome. Compilation of some of the best Tiva scenes with a sweet song. :)
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Source: me
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added by Lady_Ziva
Source: me
added by Lady_Ziva
Source: me
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Source: http://alyssinmymind.tumblr.com/
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Source: Me :)
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Source: meeeee
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ziva david
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undercovers scene
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