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posted by Mclovin_69
" So you admit to have no feelings for him.." Black Canary said, " nope none.." Astreous said crossing her arms and putting her knees up infront of her, " do you mind explaining to me why you are feeling unsure of telling the truth.." Black Canary said, Astreous looked up tears forming in her eyes, " you cant tell anyone this.." Astreous said, " nothing leaves this room " Black Canary said. " That simulation.. it opened my eyes on my true self.. i try to think of myself as a human, when truly im a monster... i-i felt at peace when more and more of them went but the only thing that changed that...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
-------Fang's point of view-------
I sat in a chair across from my sisters hospital bed. She looked like death had beaten her over. She was alive but barely.. I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to her bed. I used my free hand to push her bangs back from her face. I picked up her hand. It was cold, but it had a touch of warmth. One question was going through my mind, why did Xena turn villianous? Did I cause her to do it? Am I am she reason she's out for blood? Or when we where dating.... did I miss the signs?
I could feel someone's presence...
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posted by Robin_Love
Said protege slipped his tongue into the young warrior's open mouth and his eyes closed. He heard her gasp and then groan when Robin started to play with her tongue. Becca shivered when Robin's tongue slid on the roof of her mouth. Robin explored the younger's mouth hungrily; he'd missed his little bird so much. His hand slid from Becca's cheek to the back of the girl's neck. Intoxicated by the bird's taste and the feeling of holding her again, Robin felt like he was flying. Robin moved from Becca's mouth to kissing her neck and shoulders. His hand briefly left Becca's neck to unzip...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The team had been treating Liza better then her ever since she had arrived, she always gave Willow dirty glares and whenever she talked to Wally. She felt as though this was a fight that she did not want to compete in, something made her snap Liza talked to Wally and laughed and touched his shoulder, Becca could feel Willows heart break, she immeadiatley turned to Willow az she saw tears streak down her face, Willow ran out.

Willow sat on the beach crying, and she heard someone come up behind her. " Go away Liza..." Willow hissed even though she usually never did. Liza smirked, " not until i...
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posted by Robin_Love
Cheshire, Lobo, Ares, and Circe attacked the two teams. Talia came up to Becca, kneeling before her. Becca looked at her, eyes watering beneath her mask.
“Get away from here little bird. Cheshire will find you later. Now go.”
Becca was pushed forwards and broke into a run. She had to hide. No way was she going to listen to what they told her. Becca leapt into the trees, jumping from branch to branch, tree to tree. She stopped when she was far enough. Leaning against the tree, she caught her breath. Two arms snaked around her and Becca realized she was leaning against a person. An arm surrounded...
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posted by Robin_Love
Robin ran down every hall, every turn, everywhere. They must have moved her somewhere. The room she had no doubt occupied was empty. But her boots were there. So she must have been taken somewhere else. A sudden thought crossed his mind and rage boiled inside. He sought out Salva's room, looking forward to the pain the other boy would soon have.

Becca couldn't take much more. She was about to break. Her strong resolve was dwindling. Nothing was going to help her. Even warning herself about Robin didn't help. She just wanted to fight, to get free. To kick his ass into the next century. But she...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Picture says all!
Picture says all!
By the time Fang and I arrived at the location where I heard the laughter, Young Justice was picking themselves up off the ground. I looked at them, then my brother.
"Aw! We missed it!" That's when Batman arrived.
"You're both late, you were supposed to meet the team here 2 hours ago, you're lucky this didn't effect the decision on you joing the team." He was glaring at us, and it was starting to creep me out.
"So, we made it??" He nodded. "Sweet!" I looked over at Fang, he had a blank look on his face, I waved my hand infront of his face.
"Fang? What's wrong? Fang? What do you see? FANG!"
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 5-

Alexa peered over the balcony into the courtyard below.

"So Dick Grayson goes out on these public meetings to support his adopted father's charity work?" Alexa asked.

"Yep." Poison Ivy said. "His 'father' is Bruce Wayne."

"Never heard of him." Alexa said.

"You've lived in the alleys too much. Bruce Wayne is the richest man in Gotham. He has billions to his name."

"So that's why we're going after Grayson."

"Yeah." Poison Ivy replied.

A limousine drove up and an old butler got out of the driver's side. He opened the door and a small kid, no older than thirteen or fourteen, stepped out.

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posted by 66Dragons
Revenge had had just about enough of the Chosen Warrior.

And continued to voice such matters to Holly.

"And I swear if I see that stuck up, no good, low down-"

"Sam!" Holly interrupted. "Enough about her. I don't wanna talk about this on our date."

Sam frowned and mumbled something like an apology.

"Ah, I was done eating anyway." Holly said, shoving her plate away and sipping something out of her glass.

Revenge tried his best to smile and kissed Holly on the cheek as he helped her up.

"Aww, isn't that sweet?" a voice asked. Sam groaned.

"How come you never do that for me?" Becca asked. "Lemme guess,...
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posted by Robin_Love
The long awaited chapter! ALL 66Dragons' idea! I only take credit for Becca!

After the last fight, Becca and Sam were not to keen about training. Going through walls as well as “sorting out their difference” as Black Canary put it made one very sore. Not only that but Batman, the Dark Knight himself, had decided to watch the training. Which meant the two already sore heroes, were going to die before the day was out.
“I don't want to do this,” Becca grumbled as she walked with Robin.
“Next time, don't get into a fight.”
He obviously had no sympathy for how sore she was.
“He had it coming.”...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter One-

She walked down the street quickly, trying to find her shelter and get to warmth. It had been a month since her encounter with the Boy Wonder and the Man of Steel. Ever since, she had had to be very careful about when and how she used her powers. Especially when all sorts of super-heroes began showing up in her side of town.

She didn’t consider herself a superhero. She considered herself a pain in the butt. Everytime she tried to help someone, she ended up hurting them. She couldn’t stand the pain.

She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t see the person in front of...
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posted by Robin_Love
“What has become of the master?” Bialya asked Salva.
“He has grown soft. We must finish the mission assigned to us.”
“It will be hard, Salva,” Serepta said.
“Not to mention dangerous,” Cassie added.
“The power has become stronger and more tolerable with every victory,” Slade remarked.
“She could be stronger than us,” Bialya joined in.
“In her weakened state? No. It will be easy. The hard part will be in distracting the others.”
“What do propose?”
“A distraction.”
“Naturally,” Slade answered. “But how do you plan that with just the five of us?”
“We have a...
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If you have these symptoms you may have Fangirlitis
[In no particular order]
a)You cant go a day without seeing a YJ episode
b)You find yourself daydreaming about YJ
c)You get mad when you see your favorite character with another girl/boy
d)You laugh at a YJ joke even when it's not funny
f)You have been called "obsessed" with the show more than once
g)You giggle like a fangirl on crack when you see a slash couple
h)You screamed "ARTEMIS!" at the same time Wally did when she died in Failsafe
i)You cried when Robin and Wally died in Failsafe
j)You are constantly doodling pictures about YJ
k)You say...
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posted by 66Dragons
Zatarra was waiting for the caped crusader and his teen followers when they returned to the Birds of Prey's HQ.

"This is where I'm grounded until the end of time." Zatanna muttered.

"Batman." Zatarra said, acknowledging the Caped Crusader.

"Dad, I just wanna say that..."

"I know." Zatarra said, cutting off his daughter. "And I am really proud of you for taking care of your friends like you did."

Zatanna looked up, shocked.

"Really?" she asked.

"Really." her father said. "But you are still grounded until this weekend."

"Aww!" Zatanna groaned.

The two magicians left as did the speedster and the Batman...
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posted by jadore_renard
Mila Anderson AKA Pyre
Mila Anderson AKA Pyre
Wooo! A Character bio! Finally! Let's hope it doesn't completely suck .3.

Full name: Mila Hilary Anderson

Nick names: Mimi, M 'Oxy' (she will punch anyone who refers to her as such while she is in costume)

Age: 15

Aliases: Formerly Rapid Oxidation Girl... Eventually she ditched the name because it was long and ridiculous. She also didn't like he fact that people would shorten it to ROG. She now goes by Pyre.

Identity: secret... I'm guessing the League has probably figured out who she is though, despite not wanting to be affiliated with them in any way. Batman is pretty good at that sort of thing....
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posted by Mclovin_69
Batman was still sticking with his decision on kicking Willow off the team, the thought it would be a bad idea to split the team up again so he kept Secret Six at the mountain now. Andrew didnt tell anyone what him and Batman had talked about earlier, and everyone was wondering what it was.


Becca knew why Willow couldnt focus, she was scared and worried and that was one thing that made her powers fail. Becca was showing Willow some fighting techniques, Becca threw a kick at her and Willow shreiked...
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posted by Skittles98
Sorry it's taken me so long to post this. Writer's block :( But on the bright side, I FINALLY got the first couple Chap's done :D

I fastened the rope and opened the sky dome right above the ruby. I slid down the line; face first, my feet pressing the wire between them. I brought out a small canister and sprayed its contents. The glass case melted into a puddle. I grabbed the rock I had been holding and got ready to switch it with the ruby.
‘1…2…3’ I thought. On three, I switched them. I flipped back around and crawled up my line. Suddenly, it was yanked upwards. I was pulled up through...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Two-

Wally slumped on the couch next to Artemis. Right now, he didn’t care that he was uncomfortably close to her. He was too tired from running back and forth through the mountain.

The two sat in silence for a while, watching the news until Wally noticed Artemis was asleep.

He was about to get up when he suddenly realized Artemis’s arm was draped across his chest (purely by accident) and he couldn’t get up without disturbing her.

So Wally sat in silence for a while, watching news about the stocks and fish scroll the screen. Eventually, he was on the verge of dozing off too, and would...
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"Well heroes Melody seams to have things under control," He cackled as he still controlled Melody
"So I'll leave her on auto-pilot and you can have fun watching your friends deaths!" The man shadowed out of the room and Melody continued singing

God bless us everyone
we’re a broken people living on a loaded gun
and it can’t be outdone!
It can’t be outmatched!
It can’t be outrun!

I clench my fists. No way I was gonna let innocent people get slaughtered by demons, while I sit in safety like it’s a basketball game. I summon all my magic and suddenly the fence boxing us in from falling...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca lifted her head when the door opened. She felt relief flood her when neither Sam nor Salva entered. But surprise filled her when she saw who had come in. It was a male with black hair with red streaks, red eyes, and fair skin. Becca froze as he came close to her. She saw a flash of metal and then her arms were free. She rubbed the circulation back into her wrists, her eyes never leaving his.
“Trevor,” she whispered.
“Hello Becca. It's been a long time.”
“I thought Anton killed you.”
“You were very young when that happened, Sparrow. Three I think. And going through the shield;...
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