Azula Club
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posted by zanhar1
It’d been about a month since Zuko bought his sister home. The girl didn’t talk very much along the way to the palace and she continued to hold the silence when she got there. She seemed to be at a sort of disconnect.

Even when she was present for lunch or dinner or just a casual get together she was quiet and out of place. Like a ghost in the room, everyone knew she was there, but no one attempted to make contact with the psychological disaster that was Azula.

To be fair to them, Azula herself didn’t really put in any effort either.

Eventually, the princess seemed to fade into the background....
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Over on tumblr someone had asked me for my opinions on this video: It is about 50 minutes long, but, in my opinion, is well worth the watch. So I decided to watch it and give my thoughts.

I definitely agree with the first part where the narrator says that Azula’s psychology is the result of a broken family and poor parental upbringing.
But I do disagree with the sadism bit. I’ve typed about this many, many times. I feel like there was really only one time that sadism could be argued and that was when she smiled at the burning of Zuko’s...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
Author's Note: Raisin bran makes me write articles...enjoy.

"Stay here. We'll be back for you later on." "Don't try to bend, he took it away forever." "That'll only make things harder."

Azula could not speak. The air in the holding cell was frigid. A lump began to form in her throat.

"Leave me, swine!" She lunged feverishly from the cold metal seat only to find that they were right. Her bending was gone. Forever. The guards gave an amused grin and Azula shrank bank into an estranged corner of her mind which she had not been aware existed before. Fear. "That's more like it!" "Far more lady-like...
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posted by 101musastella
Locked up in her cell, Azula screamed insanely in terror. She remembered her past. What she did, she was extremely the bad girl. She kept asking herself many times why Mai and Ty Lee betrayed her. Why. Why, just why? This proofs that Mai and Ty Lee aren't true friends. They don't care about Azula, the old fun were just during their childhood.

They've all grown up, and in love. Ty Lee, of course still have tiny feelings for Sokka, but not that much since she admits Sokka and Suki are cute together. Mai, was going out with Azula's brother. If Zuko and Mai get married, Azula couldn't bare having...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
Authors note: this one is number seven. WARNING: sadder than most of the other poems.

Mother had me locked in here.

Up in this room.

The air feels hot. It's suffocating.

The bed sheets are so thick. They're making me sweat.

I take the top one off. I keep sweating.

I remove the rest. The sweating won't stop.

I need a bath. No, someone will come to check on me.

We can't have that.

Meditation. Let's try that.

Breathe in breathe out.

What's this?

I look across the room. At the vanity mirror.

A blemish?


A mole?

Right there on my upper lip.

My face contorts into an uneven frown.

Close the eyes....
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posted by trixie123
((So I wanted to try something new. I hate doing sad fics and I needed a change for once so I could become a writer with experiences of different points of veiws of characters. The only other Azula POV I do and did was in Into the Darkness which I need to upload the new chapters on. This will be up on FanFiction.Net soon if you wanna check out my page for more cool stories. Name: AvatarIsMyLife.))


Azula sat in her prison cage. She thought she was beautiful. She knew she was beautiful. She couldn't let that Water Tribe scum show her off and take her down. It was her one moment of weakness...
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posted by Azula-Forever
Azula sat on the floor of her cell, she's got nothing to do anymore in her life but just stare at the happy people. The people all enjoyed playing games, having fun with FRIENDS. Azula hates looking at those girls playing together as a FRIEND. She remembered how Mai betrayed her because of Zuko, and how Ty Lee betray her for the unbreakable friendship.

Azula realized she did everything wrong in her life, she always lied to her big brother, used fear to control Mai and Ty Lee and others. What can she do now?

Azula stood up. She walks to the gate-cell and looked at the girls playing together. Three...
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posted by GreenLight24
Authors note: wow it's been a while. I still love this character, so here's another short story for Azula after her breakdown. This focuses in how things people say, no matter who those ppl are, can cripple another's soul.

"Look at the spoiled princess! She thinks she's so royal!" "Look at how she walks with her nose up in the clouds! Sure she's powerful, but she's screaming on the inside." "Such a brat. And look at her hair."

Azula felt the cold cell floor against her palms and began to crawl somberly towards the cot at the other end of the room. Her vision was still blurred by the familiar...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
"...hold me like you held zu Zu..."
"...hold me like you held zu Zu..."
As she sat there on her cot, that very familiar feeling crept into her cell once again. Azula was alone. She had always been alone. She felt lonely when she watched her mother cuddle with Zuko and tell him she loved him. "Nobody did that for me.", she thought. And this was true. Azula was ashamed at her weakness to have let this thought slip into her mind once again. It tormented her every day that she spent at the madhouse. She wanted to go to sleep on this cold winter night. Or at least she thought it was nighttime; her room had no windows. Nighttime was the worst. Azula would often try to...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
"...her whole world had fallen apart."
"...her whole world had fallen apart."
It was just a regular day at the madhouse, and Azula still felt lonely. After everything that she had done to people, all to try to prove herself worthy of her parents' love, she still didn't understand why nobody had come to visit her. "I'm a monster.", she thought, "Just like mother thought I was." It seemed as though her whole world had fallen apart. As if it had been burned to the ground by her own flame. Over the years, Azula's head had been filled with ideas of becoming Firelord and ruling the world with the man she used to call her father. Any normal person would think that this was...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
Author's note: hello all. I've decided to use Edgar Allan Poe's "Haunted palace" as the model for this one. But I've expanded on it a little and thrown in the long sentence element for effect. Basically, it takes the example of a decaying object, a palace in poe's case, to symbolize the pains of a decaying mind. I will attempt to do the same w/ Azula. Anyways, comment if u like and enjoy! :D

In the grandest nation, in the grandest capital,
There was a grand estate.
The gates were prominently defined in such a way that one could not help but cast their gaze upon the glinting seal of the royal...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
The silence violently cracks and the sky seems to turn red with a single surge of immense heat. Most of the villagers knew what was coming. As the palanquin approached, the black figures of the distant soldiers seemed to take shape. He was unsure of what the hours ahead would hold; after all, Riyu was a boy of only thirteen. Silence. Halt. As the palanquin slowly gravitated towards the earthy ground, the jet black curtains parted and Riyu was sure he'd never seen a ray of light so dominate a space. There she was...she. The people of Ju Wa were told that a great new Fire Nation leader was coming...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
Okay so, this an entirely an impulse piece...I j have been wanting to put these thoughts out so here goes.

"Are you there, 'Zula? C'mon. Have a moon pie. It's your birthday." "Let's go, she's not coming out of there any time soon." "Would you like to see Dr. Pho?" "Ty Lee, you need to grow's obvious she doesn't wanna." Fifteen minutes...then thirty minutes...then an hour. Finally, their voices had faded into the silent and peaceful summer night. Or almost silent. And a far cry from peaceful. Something was different at the palace. Azula hadn't practiced her forms in two weeks. And even...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
Authors Note: Okay guys here it is finally. The fans have spoken. The sad one wins! BUT! I have taken the liberty of trying an entirely new style that one of my favorite writers uses very often and have also shaped this article so that it can be read as either a sad stroy or a happy one depending on your perspective and depending on the parts you focus on most.....Im really excited this is the first time i've done a piece like this so im really like....yeah just read it. XD

Azula looked out across the pond in front of her. She really liked the garden. It made her feel safe, secure, wanted, loved....
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posted by NightFrog
Hide and Seek

I remember when I was six, before I had friends, Zuko and I would play hide and seek.
It was the only game we could play without hurting eachother.
But sometimes, he'd abandon me in the middle of the game, because Mom wanted him for awhile.
She never came to ask if I wanted to join.

The strange thing is.. I still feel like I'm playing hide and seek.
I hide, I seek. I'm the only one playing.
I hide what I feel. I seek acceptence.
Nobody seeks my expression.
They hide their hatred for me.
I kept losing the game, at least it felt like it.
I'm too old for games.

I saw it in Zuko's eyes.....
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posted by GreenLight24
Authors Note: Hello Azula fans. I just thought I'd post this article here. You probably know by now but I love writing these. Azula is so much fun to psychoanalyze. This is a little story about a night on the way to Ba Sing Se. Enjoy.

Azula peered into the warm darkness before her as she began to feel her face in a state of quiet panic. It had happened again. She had had a dream; a nightmare. The Fire Nation princess turned to look at Mai and Ty Lee. Both girls were fast asleep. "I should wake them.", thought a frightened Azula as she began to reach towards Mai. Before she could bring her Han...
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posted by stellamusa101
Boring. Boring. Sad. Sad.

Everyday, Azula felt boring. Nothing happy comes in her life. She wondered if anyone remember he birthday tomorrow. But then she knew no one cared about her. She remembered Ursa, in her childhood days Ursa never give her a present on her birthday, but did on Zuko's.

Azula remembered what happened yesterday, when she dream that everyone was next to her side and would tell her not to give up, even Ozai.

Today, Azula remembered the past. Then she finally understood why Ozai wouldn't let her follow him for the attack, that was because Ozai used her intelligence as a weapon,...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
Do I sleep,
Do I eat?

Do I brush my hair,
Do I wash my face?

Do I give my orders,
Do I rule my nation?


Me? Undeserving, ugly, twisted me?

Mother? I need you. The tears are coming down onto my paper again. My diary is becoming very wet. Mother?

I write to you because I cannot speak to you. And be me.

Azula. Poor Azula they must all say. The servants, the friends.

Oh my friends. How I envy them so.

Ty Lee and her charisma. Everyone loves her. She's all smiles.

Mai. Quiet. Wit sharp as a razor. Silent confidence. Nonchalance.

Me. Poor ugly undeserving me.

How will I make it,...
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posted by EvanlovesAzula
"The wrong kind of princess..."
"The wrong kind of princess..."
Authors note: Here it is. The third of the ten diary poems. A nice medium between freeverse and rhyme. I think you'll find this one to be quite intriguing. :)

Sugar and tea such a sweet combination,
The tip of the tongue feels
A burning sensation.
The lady in purple, the lady in red,
Are sipping on jasmine tea right before bed.

One of them speaks,
The other one listens.
The red dress it sparkles,
The purple one glistens.

One has a princess with a bouquet of flowers,
One has the princess that fusses for hours.
And talks about warfare and throws things and yells.

The one in black, the lady in red's daughter....
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posted by NightFrog
It was going well after a few weeks. So I thought. I managed to calm down, and after a few days I ate what they gave me. Sure, I hated it here, I hated everyone I saw, included whoever showed up in the mirror- either being myself or my mother. ..But, I was calm. The storm was over for the time being, and I was in the silent stage of the aftermath.

..Then I had a relapse.

I can't remember what I did exactly. I just remember screaming, and breaking the reflective surface that was infront of me- being a window. My hand was in pain from the glass, and I remember the vivid colors of red drenching...
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