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7 Style Lessons from Rapunzel

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To say that Rapunzel is talented would be a complete understatement. Not only does she have magic hair that glows when she sings, she’s an artist, a pro baker, candle maker, animal soothsayer and more. With so many skills under her belt, it only makes sense that we look to Rapunzel for inspiration, including when it comes to our own personal style. She might be known for magical golden hair, but there’s quite a few things that we can learn about style from Rapunzel.
Sure, our hair doesn’t contain magical healing powers, but that doesn’t mean we can’t emulate Rapunzel’s approach to hair care. Her attention to her mane is incredibly impressive, as she takes time to brush all 70 feet of golden hair. While we don’t recommend over-brushing your hair, you can take the same amount of pride in detail in your own beautiful locks.
Rapunzel is fearless when it comes to following her dreams, and her style is too. Her signature dress features a mashup of stripes, floral embroidery, and lace that all somehow work together. Pattern mixing can be a bit intimidating at first, but don’t let that stop you! Whether it’s stripes and florals, or polka dots with cheetah print, you can channel Rapunzel in any outfit you wear.
Rapunzel is never without her trusty frying pan (or her trusty pal, Pascal). A cooking tool may not be the thing you want to carry around on a daily basis, but having an accessory that’s all your own makes you stand out from the crowd.
Half our closet is devoted to shoes, but Rapunzel doesn’t have time for footwear. She’s too busy painting, baking, or leaving her tower to worry about what shoes would be most practical for her life-changing journey. Shoes might be a requirement in our world, but take Rapunzel’s approach and not get caught up on the small stuff. You never know what adventures you might be missing out on while you’re still deciding what shoes to wear.
We all know that Rapunzel is creative, adventurous and kind, but have you ever noticed just how much her personality fits her wardrobe? Her purple dress has embroidery that mimics her incredible artwork, is a sweet, romantic color, and is perfect for exploring or song and dance numbers with a group of pub thugs. Your style is just one way to express to the world who you are, so take the opportunity to say something wonderful!
Will we ever get tired of flowers as accessories? Nope. Will we ever get bored of braids? Definitely not. Rapunzel combines both of these style elements flawlessly when she goes to see the lanterns, and we’ve been inspired by her ever since. Incorporate one or both of these into your ensemble and it’s sure to be the best day ever.
A haircut can be a life-changing event for anyone, and that certainly applies to Rapunzel too. While she never planned on cutting her golden hair, we love how she embraced her short, layered bob. If you’re thinking about making your own dramatic haircut, or trying out a new style, just take a page out of Rapunzel’s book and welcome your new look without hesitation.
What style lessons have you learned from Rapunzel? Tell us in the comments below!
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