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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Belle: Favourite Disney Princesses |
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Belle is amazing! She is so beautiful yet doesn\'t care about how she looks. She is intelligent and loves reading and sees the personality of people not just their looks. She had a chance to go to handsome Gaston but didn\'t (also keep in mind that Gaston is like the town hero most of the girls swoon over him and most of the guys want to be him) Instead she falls in love with a beast because he was sweet and kind not just handsome but best of all is that she wished for adventure and for someone to understand her ( doesn\'t necessarily mean lover but could mean friend) she didn\'t wish for some prince to save her. Don\'t forget she gave up the freedom of her life just so her father could be free. She also has no friends I think this is a great message to other people saying that even disney princesses don\'t have the easiest life. To end it I would like to say that Belle is the best because she is herself and embraces it.
Belle is the best disney princess. She dares to be different and doesn\'t care what others think of her. She has plans and goals for her life. She cares about her father and respects him unlike Ariel. Looks beyond the surface of a person sees the inner beauty and personality of people, she doesn\'t go for the guy that every girl dreams to be with just because he is handsome, unlike Ariel, Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora. She realizes the jerk Gaston truly is. She has a strong spirit of adventure. She is wise and loves to read. Even when the beast changes into a handsome prince she must see that it is him and look beneath the surface, she doesn\'t just fall into his arms because he is handsome. She actually gets to know the beast/prince for more than a day/night and actually falls in love with him the normal way, unlike Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella, Ariel, and sorta Jasmine. She is a wonderful princess and a great role model for girls of all ages.
Belle teaches all about inner beauty and not judging people by their appearance. She gets to know the Beast and finds out that he is actually very kind and loving even though the outside is scary and undesirable. I have always struggled with weight problems and this movie always gives me hope that someone out there could look past my outer appearence and get to know me as Belle did for Beast. This is by far the best movie and that makes Belle the best princess! She is just amazing! And she is down to earth, nerdy, believes in being herself even if she doesn\'t fit in, and she just has a great head on her shoulders. She goes out to save her father when he doesn\'t come home, volunteers to take his place in the Beast\'s castle so he can live and remains mainly positive about the situation without much complaint. She just teaches so many good qualities. And to top it off, she has an awesome horse and clothes!
The main reason is that she is awesome, but also her movie also has a good moral... like Ariel, her story is all about how she leaves her family and her life, dis obeys her father, and is a flat out brat to the rest of her family to trade her voice for some guy that she saw on a ship. she cares about her looks too much. and jasmine is too sassy, you can defiantly tell she was raised in a palace, when someone is annoying she sends them away or sets her tiger at them. but belle shows that she doesn\'t care about her looks more the books, she is one of the most simple, but elegant and beautiful princesses. she doesn\'t go desperately searching for love but is able to find the good and kindness in a person/beast when nobody else would give him a chance. she cares about her father and tries to save him. and come on she has talking furniture!
Belle is a ideal woman for me personally she is ultimately the only woman Disney has because Belle holds herself up she doesn\'t flock over a guy because he looks hot. Gaston is your normal everyday guy today who would talk about his penis size, flirt with any hot girl that falls his way, while still having girls fall over him like Taylor Lautner. Beast on the other hand is a animal who Belle falls in love with over time and later defends because she is starting to fall in love with him. Belle seen beast at his worst and best so she could ultimately say that Beast is not perfect but he\'s worth staying with. For Gods sake Beast has a castle and gave his library to Belle at their first date Gaston just wanted sex after he would\'ve blew her off. -
Belle has always been my favorite of them all. When I was 5 or 6 years old the only reason I loved her the most was that she is a brunette, like me. Now, I realized some better qualities of hers I admire more. I don\'t have to say anything else, \'cause people before me did that. I agree with them. She doesn\'t fall head over heels in love, because she values good personality more than good looks. Although, I have to say that her prince, prince Adam is definitely the hottest Disney prince EVER. He may be the hottest animated character ever. (Gr! I\'m mad that I have to write that he\'s animated.) They are the sexiest cartoon pair by far. And the movie, the plot, the cast and the music I fantastic!
Just saying - Belle was not the only intelligent princess. You\'re not intelligent just because you read fantasy books, although I do acknowledge that she was doing this even though the rest of the town thought her strange, and for that I give her some credit.
Rapunzel charts stars and reads and plays chess and adjusted unbelievably quickly to the outside world after being locked in a tower for 18 years.
Mulan\'s intelligence is portrayed in her strategical and analytical skills while fighting the Huns.
I\'m sure there are many other instances where princesses show intelligence but honestly, I think Rapunzel and Mulan each outdo Belle in the intelligence area, no sweat. I think Belle\'s intelligence tends to be exaggerated to an extent.
Belle is a kind, smart, and gorgeous girl who yearns for excitement, and discovers the grandest adventure in love. She selflessly sacrifices herself to take her father\'s place as the Beast\'s prisoner, and in that time fall for each other. She is a wonderful role model for young girls, what with her being an avid reader of books, and doesn\'t fall for shallow men like Gaston. She may be beautiful on the outside, but her true beauty shines within.
Belle\'s kindness to all is what makes her the best Disney princess. She is also beautiful, loyal, and doesn\'t judge a BOOK by its cover. She also loves to read just like me! I also love Belle for realizing that although he may be cute, Gaston isn\'t very nice or thoughtful, and she noticed the opposite about the Beast. Lastly, she wears a beautiful YELLOW dress! My favorite color! If Belle walked into a dance with that on I would faint! Thank you Disney! Though I love most of the Disney princesses Belle is my favorite.
Belle was my favorite ever since I was a little girl. She is a great inspiration. She reads instead of going about wishing she had a prince. She comes from a background that not everything is given to her by demand. She is sweet, sensitive and can see behind a good-looking face. She is also very understanding and intelligent. She is not stuck up, stuck up people really annoy me. My last point is that she has been my favorite for like ever. Sorry princess Elsa and Princess Anna, you come a close second though!
She is beautiful and very kind hearted, not to mention intelligent. She is able to see the good within the worst; despite of the arrogance and temper of the beast. She is devoted to save her father, and she just be who she is, even if it differs her from the rest of the village. She is the \'rose\' of the town but she stays humble and simple. She is my role model, and I respect her the most.
She was the first princess not to care really about what her prince looked like. Actually she\'s the only one. Belle is smart, beautiful, and cares about the beauty with in. She must have been raised with the bible in her hands. She\'s just so flawless! I\'m so jealous of her! She has the beauty, she has the determination, the voice, bravery (No where near Merida\'s) and the coolest sidekick, I mean come on, Chip is adorable.
She is a woman who treasures intellect, genuine affection and putting her own desires off to the side for the benefit of others. There\'s no brat qualities like with Ariel or Merida. She puts everything on the line by taking her father\'s place to become the Beast\'s prisoner and then does everything in her power to help the Beast become a reasonable human being once again. She is incredibly empathetic even with legitimate reasons to fear the Beast and rejects the idea of falling for someone purely for their looks or merits. She is my ideal Disney princess.
Who could ever love a beast? Belle did, no one ever can. Her name says it all, BEAUTIFUL on the outside and on the inside. Smart, caring, understanding, strong, brave, independent, talented, kind... I can\'t possibly think of all the pleasant adjectives to describe Belle. Before there was Frozen (an act of true love will thaw a frozen heart), it was Belle who showed us that love can bring out the goodness even from the unseemly exterior of the Beast (Prince Adam). Belle is my favorite Disney Princess (I\'m 18), and she will always be the best Disney princess to me.
Belle is genuinely independent but she got locked up thus making her look like she\'s not. She asserts bookworm pride, is adventurous and doesn\'t give a care what others think of her. She wasn\'t born a royal like most disney princesses are. She sacrifices her life\'s dream of exploring the world by agreeing to take her father\'s place and the things she said to Gaston was badass. She didn\'t dream of being rescued by a prince charming, in fact during the beast\'s battle on the roof she pulled him up from falling (talk about physical strength).
Belle has been my favorite since I was little. She is a strong adventure seeking brunette who is able to see past the vanity of our world and find true love. The love for her father brought her to his rescue and a great new future. Her love of books was her temporary escape until she found the magical world of the enchanted castle where her dream of an eventful life came true in an odd way.
Belle is the beautiful of all princesses. Her kindness towards the beast is unmatchable with other princesses. vote for her!
Literally, how does the main character of Disney\'s best NOT get number one? She\'s not your typical princess, seeking adventure instead of a man. Heck, she didn\'t even start as a princess, just a normal girl bored by town life. Also, I bet a lot of Disney princesses would rather have gone for the jerk that is Gaston because of his looks. She actually took the time to get to know the Beast instead of rejecting him because of his appearance. THAT\'s what makes a true princess.
Belle is the most beautiful Disney Princess, with her iconic yellow ball dress. She truly looks at the inside of a person and does not judge on appearance. She also does not care what anybody in her town thinks of her and is ergo independent. She is also intelligent in her book reading. This all adds to the best princess ever.
If you have the script or have seen the movie, you know that Belle was horrified of the Beast at first, but sacrificed her freedom to save her father. She is smart which is different than most of the other Disney princesses (Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, etc. ) and she only wants adventure and someone who loves her for who she is and not for looks. Plus, all the other Disney princesses chose princes they thought were good looking. Belle chose the Beast because he was kind.
I truly do believe Belle, along with Rapunzel and Tiana, to be my favorite princesses. Belle is extremely intelligent and book savvy. While she is very kind hearted, she\'s not timid and isn\'t willing to stand along the sides as an injustice occurred. I think she\'s one of the only princesses who\'d be able to successfully run a business, along with Tiana, and to a lesser extent Cinderella. Also, she really doesn\'t care about whether a person looks hot or not unlike Snow White
She is the only one with a completely yellow dress. I mean like every princess has either a blue or pink one but noo can\'t pull one over on Belle! She is just to awesome to be your typical princess. I mean look at her she chases after beasts instead of someone actually good looking! Ever hear of the theory of "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" I mean gees her name means beauty you should have gotten that one!
She takes the place if her father to save his life. SHE doesn\'t change to please the beast, the beast changes to become worthy of HER. She is curious, but nit stupid. She is not naive, and she makes her OWN choices. Those things alone should make her the best Disney princess, by far. Plus, she has an awesome voice and is downright beautiful.
Belle is just so beautiful, hints her name, she is the more kind princess they have made, she doesn\'t just do for the guy who has the money, she follows her heart and ends up falling for the beast and helps him out by turning him back into a prince and breaking his spell. Now she has a big heart!
Belle should be in first! Her bravery and intelligence teaches girls that beauty doesn\'t matter as much as what\'s inside. She doesn\'t want a man either, rejecting buff Gaston, but adventure and knowledge.
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