Law and Order SVU Club
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posted by livi_wells
One of my favourite things about SVU is the amazing dialogue the charcters have. Here is a selection from season 1.

Narrator: In the criminal justice system sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of a elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

(Cragen chews out Olivia for not arresting a woman who then committed suicide.)
Don Cragen: You just used your Get Out of Jail Free card, Olivia. There’s only one in the pack.

Olivia Benson: Question. Who'd want...
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posted by livi_wells
Thursday July 22nd

She burst into her apartment. Throwing her bags to the floor she went to the cabinet and selected the bottle with the highest alcohol volume. Not bothering with a glass she stormed into her bedroom, tears streaming down her face. She stripped off and climbed into her sheets, pulling them around her until she felt safe. Taking a swig from the bottle she closed her eyes, her mouth and throat burned but she took another. She had to forget. It worked for her mother; it should work for her. Still more tears streamed down her cheeks. Her tears turned to cries and then to sobs. She...
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Warning - gets kind of personal, maybe not a fun read. I'd have emailed it directly to any of the show's writers if I could have found the contact info.

I watch the show, not on a regular basis, but when I do with a religious intensity. It's a kind of catharsis for me, as an in-the-closet survivor, to see people surviving, being honored, being supported and the detectives fighting for them. So it's a very personal experience, almost a therapy, and even though I know it's just a TV show I take it very personally.

One thing about it bothers me - the fact that there are no survivors on the team....
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posted by HuddyJoy0524
I wrote this a few months ago and put it on but I thought id post it here as well. It's a Fin/Melinda but I probably wont be able to resist putting some E/O in there ;) Let me know what you think!

“Hey! Elliot!” Olivia Benson motioned for her partner. He frowned and walked over to her desk.
“What’s the problem?”
“Do you think Fin has been acting strange lately? He’s been kind of…”
“Withdrawn.” Elliot finished her sentence, sighed, and nodded. “I didn’t want to say anything because I thought you’d think I was…”
“Overreacting.” Olivia finished Elliot’s...
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posted by BeccaL
It was 9:30 pm at the 1-6 and Donald Cragen was p.o.'d. Washington wanted two of his best Detectives to go undercover for a year at least.
He stormed into his precinct and saw Benson and Stabler working at their desks. "Benson, Stabler my office NOW!"
He walked into his office followed by his to lead detectives.
Benson spoke up first. "Captain, did we do something wrong?"
"No, the bosses at Washington want you two to go undercover for awhile."
Elliot spoke up. “Captain I can't do that. My divorce is being finalized and I need to be at that end hearing."
"I'm sorry Elliot but you have to....
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Olivia Benson was driving home one night. She had a busy working day and all she wants is to go home and sleep. While driving she passed a house. A woman and man were playing with a toddler girl. Olivia smiled as drove on by. Most of the cases she has done were about kids. Toddlers to school kids to teenagers. She imagined herself having a child of her own, someone who is funny, friendly, caring and most of all: loving. She shook the image out of her head. "That won't happen, nobody would like a cop for a mother," she thought.

She got home and fell into bed. She tried to sleep, but she couldn't stop thinking of herself as a mother. She had Elliot as a partner, but ONLY as a partner. She was alone. No family, no husband, not even a boyfriend. A tear trickled down her cheek. "All i want is to be loved. A person that doesn't judge me by my job. A person who loves me," she thought sadly as she drifted off to sleep.

To be continued....
The next morning, Olivia woke up and the thought of being a mother was still in her mind as she walked outside from her apartment building. She didn't realize that she was walking into the road and a car came barreling towards her.
"Look out!!"
That's when Olivia saw the car coming towards her. Before she could do anything, she felt herself being pulled out of the street and back on the sidewalk. Olivia looked to see who just saved her life. It wasn't Elliot and it wasn't a random pedestrian. It was.......

To be continued....!
posted by EOShipper
Title: Cancer
Permission to archive: No, don't post my stories in other places.
Fandom(s): Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Genre: Tragedy, Romance
Characters: Olivia Benson, Elliot Stabler, John Munch, Donald Cragen, Odafin Tutola
Pairing: Elliot & Olivia
Rating: Teen
Summary: Olivia is dying from cancer. A look back on who she will miss most.
Warnings: Deals with death.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the song. The song is called "Cancer" by My Chemical Romance.
Acknowledgments: Thank you Sara, for beta reading my stories.

Turn away,
If you could get me a drink Of water cause my lips...
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posted by livi_wells
I hate feeling like this, I so tired of trying to fight this...I'm asleep and all I dream of is waking up to you...Please tell me that you will listen, because your touch is what I'm missing...And the more I hide, the more I realize...I'm falling in love with you...

Elliot sat at his desk, fiddling with a pen. At the desk opposite him sat Olivia. Her head in a cold case, she was desperately trying to find some lead that could help them catch the bastard that raped a little girl. It was nearing midnight and they were the only two in the squadroom. Her hair caught the dim light, it beautifully...
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posted by crowdreamer
Chapter One

Hour Twenty-Four

Part 1.

Olivia had known something was up. When she entered her apartment, she had that feeling—the one where the creepy-crawlies made every hair stand on end—on her arms, on the back of her neck. Ignoring it would cost her dearly, and she would never forgive herself after this. She knew that, once her own gun was pointing towards her head, and that sick fuck Lewis was at the other end.

Part 2.

Elliot saw the report on the news about the rapist set free in Manhattan, and he couldn't help thinking of her. She would be horrified right now—obsessing over the injustice...
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I have watched SVU form the very beginning.
I love all the relationships between all of the characters. My favorite character relationship has to be Olivia and Elliot's. I like their relationship best because it is so opposite yet it works wonderfully. Olivia is compassionate, strong, and levelheaded. Elliot is full of controlled rage, passion and strength. They balance each other perfectly. Which is why I think they have remained partners for so long! They rely on each other's positives and are able to work with their flaws.They are a great blend of strength, passion, and rage. That is why I love Oliva and Elliot's partnership the the best!!


posted by livi_wells
This is my alltime favourite SVU episode. I watched the show before this, but this was the episode that got me hooked on it!

Here are some great quotes from the episode - my heartstrings were plucked mercilessly...

John Munch: I hear you had a date.
Olivia Benson: Yeah. Even had theater tickets.
John Munch: To what?
Olivia Benson: Spamalot.
John Munch: I hear it's funny.

Olivia Benson: (on the phone) Maria, wake up, Maria ... Maria?
Richard Dwyer: Who is this?
Olivia Benson: This is the police. We know exactly where you are.
Richard Dwyer: No, you don't.

Don Cragen: What are we going to believe, the...
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After a hard long day of dealing with pedophiles with Olivia, Elliot goes home. He was dealing with a very personal case that got to him.
Olivia told him to go home, but he thought he might go get a drink. "Nah, I'll go home and see Eli,", he says to himself.
As he drives into the driveway, he notices that his bedroom light is on, and no one is home.
So, being the couragious man he is, Elliot grabs his gun, and heads for the door. As he grabs a hold of the door nob, he notices that his hand is wet. he goes into the light and sees that it is blood.
He graps his gun even harder and bursts through...
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posted by RosalynCabenson
just found that post on tumblr:

If fans wrote a season of SVU, here’s what would happen:

by mhfan11794:
- Olivia would get shot, kidnapped or tortured (or any combination of the three).

- EO hookups every episode and confessing their love on a stakeout.

- Kathy would die.

- Munch would make an appearance.

- Find out what happened to Simon (You know, Liv’s family?).

- Olivia would get custody of Calvin.

- We find out what happened to Maureen, Lizzie, and Eli.

- Every episode will make sense and have a logical plotline.

I loved that!
especially the eo and Lizzie and Maureen! and Much and plotline and oh you know all XD
Feel free to add what would happen in you episode!
.....A teenage girl!
"Thank you...thank you.." Olivia gasped.
"No problem, are you okay?" she asked.
"Yeah..." Olivia was still in shock for what happened.
"I better go, goodbye!" she said and ran away. Olivia watched her run off and thought how happy she is with her mother and father.
* * *
At the 16th precinct, she told her fellow detectives about what happened.
"Oh my god! Thank the lord that girl saved you!" Elliot cried.
"The girl is how old again?" John asked.
"I don't know, thirteen or fourteen?" Olivia guessed.
"Most teens like that are just texting away on their phones" Fin said.
The detectives then got back to work, but Olivia kept thinking about that girl. She decided to do something that will change everything......

To be continued.....
posted by livi_wells
Payback was the first ever episode of SVU.

Although later episodes reveal that Benson's mother was an alcoholic and verbally abusive to her, Serena Benson is portrayed in this episode as caring and loving. She asks Benson whether or not she would have been better off without her, to which Benson lovingly holds her mother's hand.

While Olivia and Serena Benson are enjoying lunch, the waiter pours wine into both their glasses. This is somewhat strange since later episodes state that Serena has a serious drinking problem.

John Munch: Not to mention the fact that I lost a wife after less than one...
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so i got home from my basketball game today and "hunchback of notre dame" was on the tv on Toon Disney.

i was watching and Phoebus and Esmeralda reminde me and El and Liv.

haha i knw stupid huh...but certain parts EO clicked.

Esmeralda is taking care of Phoebus stab wound and they looked in each others eyes and kissed.

at the end when Quasimod combines Phoebus and Esmeralda's hands and then they walk out the church together.
yeah something else theat EO needs to do lol.

yeah im a geek and if or when you read this, youll prolly say" this girl is crazy"..

yes cuz i am :)

...but Liv has brown eyes and El has blue lol..
So, who would stand by her husband when he’s accused of being a serial rapist?

Actress Gayatri Bahl was brought in to do exactly that in last night’s “Decaying Morality” episode of LAW & ORDER: SVU.

I had a chance to catch up with Gayatri Bahl to find out more about her experience working on the show.

What can you tell us about your role in “Law & Order: SVU”?

GAYATRI: I play the wife of the prominent dentist, Dr. Neil Alexander, played by Paul Adelstein ("Scandal," "Private Practice"), who gets caught up in the investigation.

How was it to work alongside this veteran cast?...
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Olivia stepped into the group home ran by a church near her apartment. She was greeted by one of the nuns Sister Peg.
"Olivia, nice to see you. How is your job and Elliot?" she asked.
"My job is tough but i can handle it. Elliot's doing alright. Umm...remember that..."
"Oh yes! Right this way!" Sister Peg lead Olivia to a community room where their was children everywhere playing, talking and laughing. Olivia smiled and was about to walk in when she heard...
"NO! I don't want to!" she heard a voice say from the next room.
"Come on Jennifer, join the other kids." Sister Peg's voice pleaded.
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posted by Mariskafan21
Elliot had always had trouble at home, but nothing as bad as this...
He always had someone to talk to with Kathy and the kids at home,
but not this time.
He always found reliance in Olivia.
So, he went to her apartment.
She had invited him in, as usual..
oblivious of what was wrong with Elliot.
As they sat down on the couch, a tear slid down his face...
'What's the matter?', Olivia said.
'Kathy left me, Olivia.' he said.
Then tears flowed down is face as he buried his face in his hands.
He'd always hated showing his emotions... especially around Olivia
Olivia rapped her arms around him, trying to comfort...
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