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So surfing through lovely YouTube, i was watching a much beloved episode of Ellen when i happened to look down at the comments.
The video was when Justin Bieber Graduated (Was bored OK?) and someone happened to comment "JB sucks, he is so Gay" and another posted "Yea, I hate him he is Gay with those earrings in his ear"
I got so irritated, Earrings are not just for girls! And just because a boy wears them, does not mean he is gay. And even if the kid WAS gay, doesnt mean he sucks just because he is Gay. I wanted to just find whoever wrote that and bash them with a smart stick. And then there...
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Lady GaGa delivers her speech.
Lady GaGa delivers her speech.
"Good afternoon. Can you all hear me?

I wrote this speech, this address, myself, I've spent 48 hours trying to find the perfect thing to say. My address to you today is called "The Prime Rib of America."

'I do, solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies foreign and domestic, and I will bear true faith and allegiance to do the same, and I will obey the orders of the president of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the uniform code of military justice, so help me...
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I've discussed this subject once or twice, most notably link and then again over at link. But most notably, and most tragically to me, was when I had to deal with it link.

And that's when my heart breaks.

I have decided to write this article now because the topic has come up again over at the Glee spot, where a gay character on the show, Kurt, claimed that bisexuality was "a myth," and an excuse "that gay guys in high school use when they wanna hold hands with girls and feel like a normal person for a change." It would be one thing if this had been shot down, and they guy he said it to, who at...
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posted by Dragonclaws
The Westboro Baptist Church is a group of hatemongerers led by abusive husband and father Fred Phelps. They are probably most well known for their catchphrase “God hates fags” that they use as a website and that they pull out to picket soldiers’ funerals. They have a variety of phrases that use the start “God hates” and then apply it to a subject that’s suffered recently as a means to promote their hatred such as with “God hates America”, “God hates India”, and “God hates Jews” to name a few. They are horrible and oh so easy to make fun of. Therefore, I give you God...
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Well said Willy Wonka Well said.
Well said Willy Wonka Well said.
-clears throat- “Eh hem. This article has some cuss words. And a lil bit of anger. Don't read if your one of those ignorant homophobes” -nods head- “That is all”

♀2:56 ok nonononononononon!!!! NO. NO ONE IS BORN GAY. being gay is a psychological problem. there is no GAY GENE ur not born gay!!! god doesn't make you gay!! ur a freakin idiot. any gay person has had something in their life that changed them. no one is born gay! being gay happens to gays throughout their life. and its up to them if they want that life. so stop accusing god because of your problems. he made us all...
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To give you an idea, this is what my teacher mentioned at the end looks like. Go girl the GSA group loves you:)
To give you an idea, this is what my teacher mentioned at the end looks like. Go girl the GSA group loves you:)
One lazy morning, means one lazy day. Or sometimes it does.

Just as i woke up i could feel the dread pressing onto my head. Monday feels like another long week of 8 classes and 8 horrible aweful homeworking making teachers. But maybe this monday would be different? eh...doubt it.
"Yeah mom?"
"Breakfast!Be ready in 5 or you will be late!"
ugh. then theres the wonderful mother who reminds you it's almost TIME for school.
i qucikly pulled on my favorite ripped tight jeans, along with a pretty yellow t-shirt. i jammed my feet into my non-heeled boots and brushed my hair and put it into...
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posted by Spotty_Vision21
Well, I know I have been coming out as a lesbian here for several months now. Honestly, I didn't even consider bisexuality. I was still figuring it out. I'm not taking it back or anything. Okay, let me explain.

I "realized" I was a lesbian last January. I was totally into girls. But I was wondering - I'd had a couple crushes on guys. A few weeks ago I realized I'd made a mistake - I was bi.

I go through a spectrum, I realize. Like right now, I'm like 70% into girls, 30% into guys. But it shifts around a lot. That's where I though I was lesbian and such.

Just to let everyone know, I did make a mistake. Good luck to you all!
If you're a fan of classic Hollywood actors, there's a good chance that you've heard of Vincent Price. If you haven't, I highly recommend looking him up, because he's one of the greatest actors of all time. Vincent Price was a legendary actor that starred in several films that are often classified as horror films, but unlike most horror, most of them aren't as gory, graphic and unpleasant as you might expect them to be. I came to know Vincent Price, because of The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo. In that version of Scooby-Doo, Vincent Price had a recurring role as Vincent Van Ghoul.

However, the thing...
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There's no denying the fact that LGBT representation in popular media is lacking. Although this can be attributed to several different complex societal factors, one troubling and reoccurring symptom of this homophobia is TV and movie studios preventing the inclusion of an LGB character, despite the fact that the creators/scriptwriters specifically envision the characters as LGB. Here are 5 examples of this depressing bigotry.

Note: This only includes LGB because I don't know of studios blocking any characters from being transgender. Not saying that this hasn't happened before, just that I don't...
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What’s got Jared Leto starting fires these days?

Gay marriage.

The actor-musician is helping raise money for gay rights group FAIR by taking part in an online auction of celebrity-signed prints of artist Shepard Fairey’s “Defend Equality Love Unites,” a poster in support of gay marriage.

But Leto did more than just doodle his autograph…

After writing out the actual language of the Proposition 8 ballot initiative on the back of his Fairey print, he burned it and placed the ashes in a clear glass urn with the inscription, “Here lies within, the remains of Proposition 8, may it rest in peace.” Then he signed, dated and topped it with a red ribbon.
Dear Everyone I love,
Since the day I was born, since the day I strarted school, You have been dear to me. Whether you are my loving parents, or my loving but still slightly annoying little sister. Whether you where the first one to say "Hello" to me when I started first grade, or the one to give me that extra decorated "Be my valentine" card that turned into my first crush in the 5th grade. To my 7th grade music teacher, an old family friend...and first Lesbian crush. One who had understood me and still loves me like Bfftwdcwasa (Best friends forever till we die cause we are so awesome) To...
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I posted this article on the Random spot too so I said why not post it here, after all this is the right place. Hope you like it. Thanks for reading. ;)

1)"Why, do you find me irresistible?"

2)"No, I just dress better than you"

3)"You're a double gay. No returnsies!"

4)"I love the second grade insults, *insert name here*. Honestly, isn't it strange how "gay" has come to replace "stupid"? And so what if I was gay? Insulting my sexual orientation is pointless.

NOW...if a girl says you're gay, and you actually are, I find the best burn is: "At least I can get a boyfriend."

5)Look them in the face with...
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Okay, this is seriously starting to get on my nerves.

People will say that being gay is wrong, or that it's not they who hate gays, but God who hates gays. I think this is pretty outrageous.

I myself am not Christian, but let me tell you, I do not know of a single other religion who has anything against gay people (besides Naziism, but that is a political party, not a religion, and not too many people are a fan of theirs anymore). But I did learn about the Christian religion in my Global History class at school (historically, not religiously. We did all different religions). Guess what? It is...
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posted by Dragonclaws
An image from "Weird Al" Yankovic's music video Virus Alert.
An image from "Weird Al" Yankovic's music video Virus Alert.
A lot of people on the Internet are link. That is, there is a lot of homophobia on the nets. Some of it’s trollish, but a lot of the time it’s from people being purely honest in their anti-homosexuality. For a lot of them, I get the idea that the communication based entirely in text causes them to forget the kind of tact they would otherwise employ in a face to face conversation. Admittedly other homophobes are intelligent and write carefully written and basically civil arguments, but they all tend to follow certain trends that are often as flawed as the little trolls. I’ll cover some...
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posted by OneRedonkChick
I've been bisexual for quite some time now... since I was 10 years old to be exact. Generally, one would assume I was just going through a phase due to puberty and hormones, but almost 5 years have passed, and I still feel the same.
One thing I dislike about being bisexual is the possibility of being compared to the other bisexual chicks at my school...
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against other bisexuals, it's just that the bi-chicks at my school are rather... irritating. These girls are the type of people who are constantly in your face about their bisexuality, and bringing...
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posted by Heroine999
Yeah you.
Do you remember me?
You were the head surgent that ordered the other surgents not to operate on me because you found out i was transexual.I then died of a slow painful death.,
Hey you.
Your the president who banned homosexuality.I'm the dead body hanging from a rope from a tree.
Hey you.
Your the the one who bullied me.Who beat me up.Who verbally attacked me too.Why was the reason i commited suicide.
Hey you.
Your the priest who preached that i'm an abomination.And now i"m on the floor suffcating because you said i'm better off dead.
Hey you.
Do you remember who i once was?Now that i'm in the cold ground?
Do you know what you are now?
You are the devil.
posted by Heroine999
Anti-LGBTs always have a source for their hatred towards LGBTs.Here are the main reasons:

1.)They read the Bible and see that it says "Homosexuality is a sin".

2.)They might have been molested,raped or/& sexually abused by a LGBT.

3.)They are in the closet LGBTs.

4.)They are afraid of LGBTs because they think they are unnatural,diesesed &/or unnatural.

5.)They were raised to hate LGBTs.

As you see, theses are easy to argrue over.Here the agruements:
1.)A bunch of things in the Bible say things are sins but they don't follow em so it proves that they are
hyprocites.Exs:Women are property,slavery...
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*READ THIS BEFORE GOING ON* okey dokey people.
This is just A STORY NOT REAL. it is intended for entertainment only. In no way the storyline legal in real life and i do not suggest breaking any laws. Again, this should never happen between a student and their teacher.

Living in a big city was difficult. Way too many people...way to many gossip and rumor spreaders. My secret life was slowly suffercating inside my closet. She was screaming "LET ME OUT IDIOT" so much my ears ached. Moving was exciting. A small town..more room to just...explore. I was hoping for a new beginning and...
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posted by Corgilover183
'What war?' May you ask? Well let me explain. In the question and answer section of this club there was a question that regarded a man. Wait, not just a man. A pastor. So yes, Christianity has been brought up. Here is the question: People...were agreeing with this man. Does the thought of this actually happening scare you at all? In the description was this: I was horrified when I saw it. What would you do if they actually went through with this? How would you react? Would you run or rebel? How would you feel if people agreed with this and made it happen?

So yeah, think about that if you haven't...
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posted by ImBooOK
I love her deeply, though she cant see knees falling out beneath me.
a gentle smile, whitch drives me wild, for whitch i cant control it.
a laugh like honey, a wink of play.
mysterious as the night, bright as day.
i hide from her, though shes always badly do i want to run my fingers through her hair.
i need her warmth, to hold me close, and yet shes so far away.
a tender kiss, on soft sweet woman lips.
a great dear friend, until the end, she loves me as i love her. but knowing we can never be, unless if i grow older.

*OK i suck at poetry so dont be all like "HEY..u suck" people...
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