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Naruhina // Anime Amino

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Naruhina | Anime Amino
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
A place to express all your otaku thoughts about anime and manga
Loved this pairing since I was a little kid. At first, I shipped narusaku because I didn\'t know much about Hinata until the chunin exams. When I saw how deeply Hinata cared for Naruto Uzumaki\'s well-being, I immediately realized she is like no other girl for Naruto. Hinata doesn\'t feel the way she feels towards Naruto because of his looks or accomplishments. Hinata loves, admires and appreciates him for who he is: a strong, kind-hearted individual who never gives up. Is there anything wrong with that? What better reason is there to fall in love with a person than for their personality? That\'s something Naruto always needed. In fact, that\'s what everyone needs in their lives: a person who loves you for the person you are at heart.
With Naruto, he had a crush on Sakura due to her looks and her common desire for seeking acknowledgement from Sasuke. Throughout the chunin exams, Naruto is learning more and more about Hinata. He first sees Hinata as someone he can trust(written exam part), to somebody incredible/amazing(chunin preliminaries), to somebody he likes(proud failure speech). It was during the Pain arc where Naruto\'s feelings for Hinata had been truly revealed. From seeing Hinata getting nearly killed protecting him, Naruto ended up experiencing with the worst emotions he\'d ever had. It was at this point that Naruto had understood the kind of pain that changed Nagato Uzumaki and Obito Uchiha. As Naruto stated in chapter 490, seeing Hinata getting attacked filled him with so much anger and hate that his heart immediately connected with Kurama (the nine tails/kyuubi) inside of him, nearly setting him free. In chapter 615, Naruto realizes Hinata has always been by his side and that he holds many lives in his hand for him to give up, thanks to Hinata and Neji. During The Last Naruto movie, Naruto realizes he\'d already been in love with Hinata for a while without knowing it. Hinata is Naruto\'s strength and weakness. When Hinata had ended up "rejecting" him, you can see his heart shatter through the look on his face as he witnessed Hinata agreeing to marry Toneri.
As he lied unconscious for three days, he was constantly moaning Hinata\'s name. Thinking Hinata didn\'t love him anymore, Naruto loss his will to fight. Eventually, Sakura snaps him out of his depression by reassuring the fact that Hinata still loves him. In the end, Naruto and Hinata end up saving the world and starting a family together.
It\'s currently debatable as to when exactly Naruto fell in love with Hinata in the Manga.
Naruto and Hinata are two perfect halves of each other. Their love is truly inspiring because these two characters teach the viewers of never giving up on your dreams. True love comes from the heart, not the person\'s appearance and that\'s what Naruhina shows perfectly well. I can\'t find any real flaw with this pairing whatsoever. The two characters feel intense emotions towards one another. They both can understand each other via eye contact. Their connection is absolutely mutual. This pairing is by far from what I would ever consider one-sided and it\'s most definitely the pairing with the most development.
They\'re mutual development and they understand each other perfectly.
I fell in love with Hinata the moment she appeared in the series. She was immediately represented as someone shy and insecure which was something I could really relate to. Her back story was heartbreaking.
I honestly don\'t think Hinata was a slave to her family but she was forced into a strict family with strict expectations from her strict father who is controlling ( being clan leader) . She\'s a slave to her family name. Thankfully she got the courage to make her OWN name through showing her strength and determination. Naruto has greatly influenced her character and Hinata did the same for him even if they were little changes she tried her best.
I love this couple so much. I\'ve been shipping It for 10 years haha. They are just so compatible and Naruto realizing his feelings for her was just straight up heart melting.
It truly amazes me how far Naruto and Hinata have come. They were regarded as failures and suffered loneliness from the start but now they are happily married.
😧 I felt the same way about Naruto\'s oblivious nature but I recently learned why it took Naruto so long to realize his own feelings for Hinata and why he didn\'t respond sooner concerning Hinata\'s confession. He\'s still an idiot regardless but at least he has a logical reason why he didn\'t respond sooner to Hinata.
When I first watched Naruto, I shipped SasuSaku and didn\'t think about any other ships. Then, like you, after the Chunin exams, I shipped NaruHina even harder. But it takes Naruto sooooo long to realize it. Baka!!
I got them from tumblr. You can download the app for free if you don\'t have it. Just type in "hinata hyuga gifs" or "the last Naruto movie gifs" on tumblr.
Where Do you have this amazing gifs from naruto the Last from ?0.0
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How much better could this pairing be? Naruto and Hinata both sing to each other out of love.
πŸ˜ƒ Btw, It\'s confirmed that Junko Takeuchi and Nana Mizuki are the ones to sing these songs ...
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