My Gallery

23 photos (click to enlarge)
paris letter iluvjaffar photo
paris letter
paris iluvjaffar photo
that hot mess for 92.00$ ahahahahaahah iluvjaffar photo
that hot mess for 92. 00$ ahahahahaahah
silly iluvjaffar photo
ahahahah iluvjaffar photo
my best friends the omg girlz i know them iluvjaffar photo
my best friends the omg girlz i know them
france and lia iluvjaffar photo
france and lia
my lil brother boyboy iluvjaffar photo
my lil brother boyboy
bottie and lia iluvjaffar photo
bottie and lia
boyboy iluvjaffar photo
fishes iluvjaffar photo
me and my sisters iluvjaffar photo
me and my sisters
oh man iluvjaffar photo
oh man
my cuzs paris and hezekiah princess10 lil brother and sister iluvjaffar photo
my cuzs paris and hezekiah princess10 lil brother and sister
omer iluvjaffar photo
princess10 my cuz iluvjaffar photo
princess10 my cuz
michael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iluvjaffar photo
michael!!!!!!!!- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my aunt princess10 mama iluvjaffar photo
my aunt princess10 mama
this is a fake pic of jb and paris iluvjaffar photo
this is a fake pic of jb and paris
my aunt company iluvjaffar photo
my aunt company