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Disney Princess

Disney Prince MBTI types?

3 fans have answered this question
Disney Princess

Which princess/es do I remind you of, personality-wise?

2 fans have answered this question
Disney Princess

Snow White's MBTI type?

4 fans have answered this question
Disney Princess

What would the princesses and princes be like in high school?

4 fans have answered this question
Disney Princess

Which princesses and princes would be really good (even best) friends with each other?

5 fans have answered this question
Disney Princess

How would you rank the princesses from most selfless to least?

7 fans have answered this question
Disney Princess

Out of curiosity, if you had to switch the Disney Princess couples up, which pairs do you think would go well together romantically?

11 fans have answered this question
Disney Princess

What are some examples of Belle showing some form of intelligence in Beauty and the Beast? Why is she considered a nerd or a geek by so many people outside of fanpop?

3 fans have answered this question
Disney Princess

List the princesses from the one you relate to the most to the one you relate to the least.

7 fans have answered this question
Disney Princess

What sets Belle apart from the other Disney princesses?

2 fans have answered this question