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pippy40 said about Law and Order SVU
Is there anyone still on this site that wants to do trivia, polls, games and links? Most are dated 6 yrs ago. Wondering if there are new people who want to still engage. I was here and ant to start back up here and other shows! Posted over a year ago
pippy40 commented…
Oops.. I meant WANT ....not ant over a year ago
pippy40 said about NCIS
I felt so sad for Ziva! I also feel bad for Vance and their kids! I do not even like Vance but no one ever deserves anything like that. He said it so flatlined as it he was in shock. It will be strange to see where all this leads up to with the show. Posted over a year ago
dreamlol commented…
me too !!! and the most sad part when she said appa !! so saddd over a year ago
gthouse67 said …
NCIS is my favorite. But I do see like you said many of the shows we have listed are the same. Posted over a year ago
Blue85 gave me props for my comments
Hi, Alexandria. Thank you so much for the add, as well as the wall post. I appreciate it. :) I hope you have a nice weekend and a nice night. Posted over a year ago
Blue85 commented…
Btw, I hope you're able to get everything straightened out on your iPad and/or laptop. over a year ago
pippy40 commented…
I wasn't able to fix the iPad issue but I went over to my laptop and added my kitty for my icon and his brother who died in december from a sudden death. They were inseparable and looked exactly alike. We miss him to much. His death was tragic. over a year ago
Tatty86 gave me props for my images
Thanks for the add back. Love your cute icon. Is it your cat? Posted over a year ago
pippy40 commented…
No, but I do have a cat named Kolbie Maximus. I cannot upload any images from. here. I am on the new iPad and it does not let you. I am going to go over to my laptop one of these days so I can put my kitty up there. Thank you for the props! over a year ago
Tatty86 commented…
np :) over a year ago
pippy40 said …
I am so psyched about season X of NCIS! Posted over a year ago
Tatty86 commented…
me too :) over a year ago
pippy40 commented…
What are you most excited to see? over a year ago
pippy40 said about Criminal Minds
I cannot wait for the next season to start! This and NCIS are my favorite shows! I watch the re-runs all the time. It is sad when you say everything before they say it... Addicted? LOL Posted over a year ago
breabrea53 commented…
Same<3 over a year ago
DrReidsgirl13 commented…
i rewatch the seasons when i am done with season 6 over a year ago
pippy40 commented…
I rewatch episodes all the time. I do ot have all the seasons...but I have certain episodes recorded. The ones I really love I watch them numerous times. over a year ago
pippy40 said about Criminal Minds
On the quizzes, the question I wrote regarding the Injured members...I made a mistake. Sorry about that for those who are answering! Posted over a year ago
pippy40 said about Law and Order SVU
Oops, I mean I LOVE this show! Posted over a year ago
pippy40 said about Law and Order SVU
I loved this show but I love the older episodes much better. Posted over a year ago